Cursing under my breath, I squeezed my eyes. fuck it, if it wasn't for Jungkook's awesome entry. screw my fuvking life. I slammed the hood back to it's place.

My fist stiffened around the umbrella handle as I inhaled a deep breath to calm myself. Basically right now it's raining, now my car is broken, I don't have my phone and my drunk wife is sleeping on the backseat and Y/n may wake up any moment, great.

I can't even see any car approaching from far away stretching ny neck, whom I can ask for help. It's already near midnight so I should expect least. Y/n's phone was too of no use without the password.

Frustratedly I ran my hand through my hair dishevelling them looking around the area. The area was sort of familiar, I remember a lot about this place still it felt as if I am forgetting something major about this place.

From afar I could see closed street food stalls and food trucks with their hoarding and decorative flickering lights still glowing.

I walked to a distance and there I spotted the phone booth. I hurried. Setting aside the umbrella I barged inside the booth, picking up the handset of the phone.

My fingers were about to press a number to the mechanic when I realised I didn't remember his number.

At that point, calling Jungkook to come and pick us up was the best option left since he can also bring my phone along with him, I dialled.


Hanging up the call, I hung the handset back to it's place and got out of the booth with my umbrella. The meeting was over already but the jerk had to enjoy it a little more.

I can't get mad over it though, I am already troubling him by calling here. He said he would need some more minutes to reach here so I thought it would be better to wait in the car by then.

Shivers ran down my spine feeling the cold air under my collar. The only thing I love about rain, dark gloomy and cold while pouring, just like my heart.

Pulling the door I was about to step in when my eyes shifted my attention to something, halting me at my place. The backseat was empty and the door on the other side was open. Y/n-

I closed my door and went to that side. She doesn't even have an umbrella and wasn't even conscious then where she could.. Panic set in as I banged the door shut and looked around,  standing in the same position while thinking about where I should start searching.

The lonely road already doesn't feel safe for a drunk girl walking around. She can't even stand properly so must not have gone too far with her wobbly legs. I need to find her before any mishap.

I went around searching the opposite side. Rain gusting down the umbrella fell over my shoulder as hastily gripped the umbrella handle.

Splashing puddles under my boots, I cared least about them getting my pants sleeves drenched as I ran here and there wandering in search of her.

I searched every where my feets took me but still I couldn't able to even get a glance of her. And the darkness of the night was consuming my mind.

My heart was rumbling againt the rib as my mind couldn't get over thinking the pessimistic scenario. Panting heavily I stopped for a moment by the street food truck area and ran my hand through my hair, clutching it while watching everywhere. 

I was stupid to not lock it before I leave, I am fucking stupid. Maybe she herself didn't come out but someone.. it can't be.. it can't be.. repeating the words in my head I walked helplessly feeling a bit dizzy over my thoughts.
Abruptly landed somewhere.

As Long As You Love MeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora