Chapter Forty Seven

Start from the beginning

With that in mind, I decided that I would not tell Vladamir what I had seen. If he did get angry over this I doubt he would take his anger out on Thalia, it would be Ivan who would have to suffer. Plus it was nice to have a little advantage over Thalia who acted like she knew everything.

I went back into my room with all the food I had selected and slowly began to eat them. I put on a random show on Netflix and watched it as I continued to switch positions in order to find a comfortable way to lay down.

Though I was popping pills like a druggie and the pain dimmed down sometimes, it was still there. Groaning in frustration and anger at my body, I grabbed my phone and texted Isabella. As the only female Lycan here she must know or have something I can do or use to reduce the pain. I could ask Nina but I didn't want to disturb her especially in the middle of the night.

My periods were painful usually but this was actually taking the mick. I couldn't spend the rest of my life feeling like this every time I got my period.

I'm dying.

I texted her those words as I curled up into a foetal position again, pushing away the empty wrappers that were scattered all over the bed. I waited for a few minutes for her to respond but she didn't respond prompting me to text her again.

Isabella! I need your help!

Instead of texting me back, Isabella called me. "Urgh." I groaned, I didn't want to talk to anyone.


"Stay at home." Isabella's urgent voice came through the line. "Vladamir is on his way."

"What?" Why was Vladamir on his way?

"Are you okay? What happened?" Isabella fired out. "There are so many people in the house Leah, why have you not contacted any of them if you need help?"

"Wait, wait. You told Vladamir?" I was confused for a second before it clicked. "Oh, I'm fine Isabella. Nothing has happened, I just wanted some advice on this pain I was feeling. I didn't want to disturb Nina so I thought I would text you instead."

Isabella began to laugh. "You should have seen Vladamir, he ran out of here like his life depended on it."

Before I could respond, Vladamir slammed the door opened and walked over to me, snatching the duvet away from my body causing it to shiver from the sudden cold air.

"What the hell?" I screeched as Vladamir grabbed me and lifted me up. His hands were running up and down my body as if he was searching for something.

Isabella's laughter filled my ears again and I realised that I was still holding my phone to my ear.

"Put me down, you're making it worse."

Vladamir immediately put me down and I hung up on Isabella. My eyes widened as I noticed his frantic state.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm fine." I told him softly as his eyes searched my body since his hands couldn't anymore.

"I'm okay, I was just exaggerating when I texted Isabella. I'm not hurt. Nothing has happened." I began to comfort him automatically my mind knowing exactly what to say and do in order to calm him down.

Without a word Vladamir scooped me up into his arms and hugged me. This time I was shocked as I don't think we had ever embraced before. His warm body melted away the pain and what shocked me even further was when Vladamir nuzzled his face in my hair.

With my head pressed against his chest I could hear how fast his heart was racing, it sounded like it was beating a thousand times in minute. Was he that worried about me?

I began to mumble into his chest. "Your heart is beating so fast."

"It beats only for you."


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter

What arrangement do you think Vladamir and Thalia have? Why doesn't Thalia want Vladamir to know about Ivan? 

Let me know what you think is going to happen next

I'm trying super hard to be consistent with my uploads on all platforms but with a baby it's a lot harder than I expected, I think it's the lack of sleep that's killing me 😭

Anyways I will upload again in a few days but you can read the full story on as well as the first new chapters of book 3

I'll post a snippet of the first chapter if anyone's interested, let me know! 

Thank you for reading :)

-Kayy xx

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