Breath of the Wild

Start from the beginning

"Zelda, meet Twilight," he says, pointing at the panting dog.

"Pleased to meet you, Twilight," I give a respectful nod. "Will you be joining us today?"

He responds with an enthusiastic bark. I return a smile and prompt my horse to move forward.

He's a bit stiff and refuses to walk, but when I prompt him again, he seems to understand. As we begin our adventure through the forest, Twilight remains by our side, his presence filling the air with a sense of safety and protection. He is the perfect companion and I can tell that he shares a deep bond with Link.

Sunshine is cascading down through the saturated leaves, and the songs of the birds accompanies us melodically. This day is starting off great.

Until my horse begins to walk toward the left. I pull the reins, trying to keep us on the path. He throws his head in annoyance and huffs at me. He's acting a bit petulant! It's difficult to walk in a straight line with him but when it is time to make a turn, he suddenly wants to go nowhere but straight.

"Want some advice?" Links says. "Take time to sooth him so he knows how you feel. You're the one on his back, not the other way around."

In bewilderment, I study his majesty. My equestrian trainer always told me to be confident and be sure to assert your position on the horse's back. They may be bigger, but you're the one on the top. That's what she would tell me. Quite the opposite of Link's advice.

Shiroiou looks irritated and he has every right to be. Link is right... I'm the one on his back, so I should show some gratitude and respect to the one carrying me.

When Shiroiou follows my directions, I praise him and run my hand along his neck as a little thank you. He seems to enjoy that more.

I'm not exactly sure where Link is taking us but I follow him without questioning it. We travel mostly uphill and eventually leave the forest when we reach the top of the mountain. We overlook an open meadow and can hear the surging and splashing of a nearby stream. The wind brushes the high grass, creating waves that make me feel like I'm floating in a sea of nature.

I take a breath of the wild to fill my lungs with the woodsy fragrance of the cypress trees and the sweet and floral scents of wild flowers that are carried by the mountain air.

"Wanna race?" Link says to me as we move parallel to the stream.

"Race? I don't even know where we're going."

"Just follow the water," he says. "Ready?"

"No, I–" but he's already galloping across the plane. "Wait!" I call after him.

Shiroiou huffs, then he lifts his forelegs and paws the air with his hooves. He wants the challenge. He wants to compete. And I have no more say over him when he starts galloping to catch up with Epona.

"Whoa, easy there!" I exclaimed, desperately attempting to halt his relentless charge.

With the reins firmly clasped within my grasp, and my knees against the stallion's ribs, I try to maintain my position on top of the magnificent creature.

That's when Link's words echo through my head. I'm the one getting carried and if I show Shiroiou my trust, he will give me his. My hands loosen their grip and my posture relaxes. With the wind in my hair and the summer breeze brushing my skin, I feel invincible and free. I feel fearless. I feel ready. I am in the present... And... I am happy!

I've never ridden a horse like this, without rules and restrictions. Without a goal at hand. And I'm loving how freeing it feels to just let go and let the horse carry you. The sky is bright and blue, butterflies are dancing in the shade of the trees, and the high grass is brushing my ankles as we fly through the meadow. It brings a smile to my face.

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