Rest? No?

39 5 43

"This is one of the best bases that CHAOS has," Violet claims, climbing down the jeep.

"Agreed. I can drink and blame it on Boss with 0 backfires," Black says giddily.

"This is a CHAOS base? Oh," Aquamarine says dumbly.

"You're the one who drove us here. How can you not know?" Violet raises an eyebrow.

"Eh, Boss asked me to drive us here so I did. I was too busy doing something else to ask him questions." Aquamarine shrugs as they all enter the bar.

"You can't change the goddamn Pythagorean theorem dude, stop being delusional," Black replies with snark.

They all seat themselves as Violet calls the bartender.

"What do you guys want?" The bartender asks.

"A chaos shot for 3, please. Make it light." Violet smiles at the bartender.

He smirks and motions them to follow him.

"I wasn't trying to do that. I was cracking the code agent Mew said I couldn't. And yes, I'll show you that my version of the Pythagorean theorem is better," Aquamarine replies.

The three follow the bartender to a curtained area, separate from the rest of the party.

"Sure, we'll see. Did you get the code right?" Black laughs.

They nonchalantly remove the curtains and see a lift with an 'Under Construction' sign on it.

Everyone moves closer to the lift and the bartender quickly slides the curtains back.

"Obviously. I'm the best and people should know it," Aquamarine replies smugly.

"Stop getting so worked up over what random people say about you," Black states.

"A light chaos shot for three," The bartender says into the speaker attached to the lift.

The lift doors open up. The three agents enter and wave goodbye to the bartender as the doors close.

"Exactly. Just have a good general reputation, it's enough." Violet joins the conversation as the lift goes down.

A muffled tune of an upbeat song plays in the elevator but it's barely audible amidst the numerous creaks and bumps the lift makes.

"How poor are we if we can't even fix an elevator?" Violet complains.

"Considering we ourselves don't give our Boss everything we earn..." Black whispers.

"You guys don't? Isn't that illegal?" Aquamarine questions.

"Everything we're doing is illegal. At this point, our existence itself is against the rules," Violet replies as the lift makes a final thump, landing in an underground lair.

The doors slide open to reveal numerous people in black and some in white, scrambling around as far as they can see.

"Oh, uh, hey guys! I'm Amanda! I, um, I'll examine the blood sample." A redhead in a white lab coat suddenly appears in front of them, extending her hand. She flashes them a friendly smile.

Black hands her the blood sample, "Amanda? That's your real name?"

"What? Of course not! Why would I be so dumb?" 'Amanda' exclaims.

"Is your name Gale, then?" Violet asks, staring at the girl's badge.

"Oh, for today it is. I'm also Matthew, Veronica, Slice, Maria and Ricky. I just alternate between the badges and what I say." The redhead shrugs.

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