Chapter 13

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Hunter's POV

After a night of storytelling, eating and talking, I felt oddly better. Maybe talking with Catra helped. After a while, everyone was getting tired so we decided to call it a night and figure out what to do next in the morning. I went to sleep and surprisingly, I dreamt.

At first everything was dark. Stars sounded me and a thing appeared in front of me. It was small, probably no bigger than my hand, and had wings and a tail.
"You are the third key." It whispered.
"T-the third key to what?" I stammered.
"Why to getting out of here of course." It replied.
"Where am I?"
"How many times do I have to answer this. Your in a different dimension. Your soul is at least. You body is back where you were."
"Wha- s-so you mean my soul has left my body?!"
"Something like that. Although don't worry, you are completely fine. You aren't dead." It said. I breathed a sigh of relief.
"Now I know you have questions, and I will answer them. Like I did for the others." It said.
"Hold on, what others?" I asked.
"Why Shion and Mable of course."
"Shion and Mable?"
"Shion is the first key, Mable is the second, and you are the third."

I tried to wrap my brain around everything but my head was hurting from the questions that filled brain. Suddenly, the room I was in started to change and a new scene took shape. I gasped. As I looked around me, I realized I was back in the demon realm. Before me stood The Owl House.
"I-I-" It cut me off.
"This is only a reflection of your home, Hunter. Would you like to see inside?" It asked. Once again, everything started to move around me and when the scene changed, I was in The Owl House. The longer I stared, the more tears filled my eyes.

In the scene, Eda was pacing across the living room floor, look paranoid and running her hands through her hair, shouting something. Lilith, who was sitting on the couch, was trying to comfort Eda. Willow and Gus sat beside her, Willow's head leaning against Gus's shoulder and Amity had her head in her hands.
"What's wrong?" It asked tauntingly. "Miss your friends? Their are worried about you and Luz."
"Who-who are you?!" I shouted, suddenly angry. It hesitated.
"I'm the one who put you here." It said. Tears started forming in my eyes again.
"You-you psychopath! I-" Suddenly I felt a gust of wind and I woke up to a quiet voice calling my name.

"Hunter. Hunter!" I slowly opened my eyes to a familiar navy blue haired lady with a red stripe in her hair. "Hunter. Are you ok?" Natalie asked, sitting up. Then I remembered I was crying.
"O-oh. Yeah. I'm good, Natalie. What time is it? It's still dark out." I asked
"I don't know. Time here works differently but my guess is that it's the middle of the night. Why were you crying?"She asked.
"Oh, I just had a bad dream. Something about me being the a key of some sort to getting us out of here. And then there was my friends. I could see them but they couldn't see me. And they looked so worried." I choked.
"Hunter. It's going to be ok. We'll get through this. We'll get out of here." She said softly. "I miss my friends as well." Her eyes dropped to the ground and sad smile came across her face.
"Yeah. I know. Will find a way out. Somehow." I said smiling at Natalie. She looked up and smiled.
"Right. Now we should probably get some sleep. We're heading west tomorrow, I think."
"Ok. Good night." I said, before falling back asleep.

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