Chapter 2

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Luz's POV

There's light, and then there's darkness. When I wake up, I'm in a forest.

'Huh. Wired. It's kind of cool though. I wonder if any one else is here.' I think. Right on cue, I hear voices in the distance. I hid behind a log.

"Wow, I can't believe we're in a forest!"

"Yes Mable, I know. That's the 3rd time you've said that now."

"Oh wow, this  place is so cool!"

"No it's not! It's dangerous!"

"Come on Diper, lighten up a bit!"

" I can't! It's dangerous here! Remember that lady we saw running by? She was being chased by wolfs. There are creatures and other people in this forest that I don't trust.


"End of conversation."

'Creatures huh?' I think. My thoughts are all clustered together, forming only one:

'I should stalk them.' I've stalked a few people before. Mostly boys It my old school to get back at bullying me. But I've never stalked anyone because I needed to.

'Maybe I can learn some information from them'

When I get a closer look at them, I realize they are a boy and a girl about the same age. The boy, who's name is supposedly Diper, wears a blue vest and an orange shirt. He has a hat on and and carries a mysterious book in his arm. It almost looks like the spell books we use at Hexied. The girl, whose name is supposedly Mable, has on a pink sweat shirt with a rainbow on it. The boy suddenly stops in his tracks.

"You ok diper?" Mable asks.

"No. I can sense someone's watching us." Diper replies.

"Are you sure? The only other person we saw was that lady and she was running the other direction."

Suddenly, I slip and lose my balance. I fall forward, now clearly visible to the duo.

"I-I knew it!!" Yelled Diper.

"Uhh... listen. This isn't what it looks like..." I try to find the right words to say to the two, but instead, I run.

"Hey! Get back here!" Diper yells as he chases after me.

"Diper! Wait stop!

I run deeper into the forest in hopes that they'll give up, but the keep chasing me. Well, it's more Diper than Mable. I can't  run anymore. I stop running and turn to face them.

"Hey, Hey, I'm not going to hurt you!" I say.


I look up and see Hunter.


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