Chapter 1

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Just a reminder, if you don't remember who is in what district, go back and check the previous part!

Nathile's POV:

My feet bounce across the ground as I run across the path way. I don't know where I'm going. I don't know how I got here all I can think about is running away from killer wolfs. Out of instinct, I transform and jump into a tree. Thankfully, the wolfs keep running, unaware that I escaped. I hear rustling above me I look up and see branches moving, but no one's there. I tighten my grip on my fan just as a young boy appears out of no where. He looks roughly about 16 with blonde hair and wears a guard uniform. He holds a staff with a bird on top of it.

"Who are you?"

Hunter's POV:

Light flashes before my eyes. When I open them, I'm in a forest.

'Where am I?' I ask myself. Suddenly, I hear footsteps. I climb into a tree and hid in the branches and when I look down I see a woman running from wolfs. She has navy blue hair with a red streak tied back into a ponytail.

'A human.' I think. Suddenly, she transforms into a completely different person. She wears a peacock dress and holds a fan. Her hair has become shorter and the red streak is gone. Her skin is a royal blue. She jumps up and lands on the branch below me. I pull out an invisibility glyph and hold my breath causing the branches to move. She looks up and I can feel her staring at me, even though I'm invisible.

'Oh no, she saw!' I panic. When I can hold my breath any longer I breathe in and appear above her.

"Who are you?" She asks.

"Hunter." I reply nervously. She hesitates for a moment.

"It's nice to meet you Hunter. I'm Nathile."

"A minute ago you were someone completely different." I point out. She laughs a bit.

"Well, the current form you see me in right now is called Mayura. I can transform and de-transform using this brooch." She points to a brooch on her chest. Magically sparks surround her and she's back to the person she was before.

"My real name is Nathile." There's a sudden flash of blue and floating thing pops out of her brooch.

"Weeeeeee! Miss Nathile I- wait. Where are we?" It asks.

"What is that thing?" I say. I point my staff at it.

"EEEEEEEEEE! Miss Nathile help me!" It squeals as it hides behind Nathile.

"Hunter, this is Duusu. My Kwami. She helps me transform. There is no need to be afraid of her." Nathile explains.

"Oh. I see." I say, relaxing a little. Suddenly I hear voices from below

"Hey, hey, I won't hurt you okay?" Wait. I know that voice. I look down and sure enough, I see a familiar short haired girl in a striped shirt.


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