Chapter 4

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Mion's POV

I wake up on the ground covered in dirt. Where am I? Where's Keiichi? Rika and Satuoko  were standing right beside me a minute ago right? Can I still hear Rena? Or is that-



"S-Shion? Is that you? Hey! Ow get off of me!" I push her off and stand up.

"Do you know where we are?" Shion asks.

"Why would I? Literally a second ago I was in the classroom." I reply.

"Well, let's just stop and think for a minute."

Shion keeps talking but don't listen. I look around and try to find a place to rest. All I can think about is how my friends are worrying and wondering where we are. Shion must have noticed my how paranoid I was because she put her her hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, don't worry sis, the others will be fine with out us for a little while." She said reassuringly.

"What I'm more worried about is if we'll ever get back." I replied.

"Mion, for heaven's sake stop thinking like that! We're the Sonozaki twins, remember?

"Oh yeah, Right. Thanks Shion." I say.

" I guess your determination personally rubs off on me." She taunts.

"You're an Idiot."


We both turned around just before a girl with ears and a tail on a broom practically crashed into Shion.

"And that is  EXACTLY why you should've listened to me when I said to be careful around my boom!" Said another girl who chasing after the first. She has bunny ears and wears a green witch hat and a green tunic. Two other girls appear behind her shortly after.

"Hey, is everyone okay?" Asked the first. She also has bunny ears and wears a brown dress with pockets.

'Why on earth does everyone have animal ears?' I thought.

"Catra, I told you to be careful!" Said the second. She had blonde hair and had on a red top and black pants with a sword attached to her belt.

"yeah, yeah alright. Remind me never to go near this broom ever again." Cat ears said as the blonde girl helped her up. She had short brown hair and had on a reddish  brown top and ripped pants. 

"Uh, Hello? I'm still here you know?!" Shion glared and Cat ears as she stood up and brushed dirt off her school uniform. 

"Well, if you weren't in the way maybe I wouldn't have hit you, hm?" She said right back.

"Well, maybe if you didn't have ears and a tail you wouldn't look as stupid as you look now!"

"YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT I CAN DO WITH MY EARS AND TAIL YA STUPID SCHOOL GIRL!!" She yelled as she unhinged claws and took a running start a Shion. 

"Hey! Hey! Slow down. Both of you!" I said immediately stepping it the way of the two. The girl hesitated for a moment before putting away her claws and walking back to the blonde girl. She gave Shion one last glare and Shion returned it.

"Heh heh, sorry about that. My names Adora." Said the blonde girl. "The one who was about to kill your friend is Catra. And this is Almond and Peridot." She motioned to the girl in the brown dress and the girl in the witch hat.

"We literally just met like 10 minutes ago." Peridot added.

"Well it's nice to meet you. I'm Mion Sonozaki and this is my twin sister Shion Sonozaki." I said.

"Twins huh? I guess that explains the hair." Observed Almond.

"Anyways, do you know where we are. Because none of us do." Almond asked. 

"We don't know either." I replied.

"We were going to head south to see if we could find a place to rest while we think about what to do next. Want to join us?" Adora asked. 

"I'd love to! Right,Shion?" I said, elbowing her. She sighed.

"Fine. I'll come." 

"Alright! Onward!" Almond yelled as she raced ahead.

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