Chapter 1: Earthfall

Start from the beginning

White House, Press Briefing Room 13:01 GMT-6, Second of February 2019

President Trump stood tall behind the podium, his confident facade struggling to conceal the underlying tension in the room. The air was thick with anxiety as the crowd's murmurs filled the space, and a sense of impending doom hung in the air.

"Believe me, folks, we've got our absolute best people working on this, and let me tell you, they are doing a fantastic job," President Trump reassured the room, his voice projecting strength despite the doubts that threatened to surface. He knew the world was looking to him for reassurance, and he had to deliver.

"Now, I'm ready for your questions. Ask away, and I'll tell you, we're tackling this head-on," he announced, attempting to shift the focus from uncertainty to action. His words came rapid-fire, as if hoping the pace alone could mask any traces of internal concern.

As reporters raised their hands, President Trump kept his composure, his eyes scanning the room for the first query. He knew that he needed to strike a balance between projecting confidence and acknowledging the gravity of the situation. It was a delicate dance, and he had to lead it flawlessly.

Behind the scenes, a whirlwind of advisors and experts worked tirelessly, diligently, and frantically formulating plans and strategies to address the unprecedented crisis at hand. President Trump found solace in knowing he had a team of dedicated individuals who understood the gravity of the situation and were unwavering in their commitment to finding solutions, even when the appearances might suggest otherwise.

"Mr. President," a reporter's voice cut through the tense air, "do you have any plans to investigate the concerning cracks?"

President Trump paused for a moment, his brow furrowing as he weighed his response. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on his mind, knowing that time was of the essence, yet acknowledging the complexities involved.

"Well, you know, I appreciate your concern, folks. It's a tough situation, believe me. We're talking about space here, and that's no easy thing, okay? It's meticulous, it's costly, and we gotta get it right. So, we can't rush into it, no siree." he began, his voice measured, yet laced with a touch of his familiar charm.

With his signature confidence, he continued, "Now, let me tell you, our experts, the best experts, they've been working day and night on this. And they're saying, "Mr. President, we gotta be patient." They say we need at least a week, maybe even more, to get things properly sorted out. We can't cut corners, folks, we just can't."

His words conveyed the complexity of the situation, the intricacies of space exploration, and the delicate balance between urgency and prudence. The room held its breath, hanging on to every word, aware of the tremendous stakes at hand.

"But you know me, I always explore all the options, all of them. We're considering deploying one of our old ICBMs." he continued, gesturing to the image of the cracks in space displayed behind him. "Yeah, you heard that right, the old ones. Some people might say, "Why use the old stuff?" But hey, sometimes the old stuff works just as good, maybe even better, you never know."

The murmurs in the room intensified as reporters processed the implications of this decision. The tension was palpable, and the weight of the moment was not lost on anyone present. Each word spoken carried the weight of what might be the last hope for humanity's survival.

"Are they dangerous?" Another reporter inquired, her accent betraying her French origin.

"Well, you know, folks, I gotta be honest with you, I don't have all the answers right now. It's a tough situation, and it's hard to say for sure. But let me tell you, we're on top of it, okay? We're keeping a close eye on things, and we're gonna figure it out, believe me," President Trump responded, his voice projecting confidence, even amidst the uncertainty in the room.

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