Votes .!

919 75 4

Hello Readers,

Firstly thank you for choosing this story and loving it even when I was not consistent at times regarding updates.

The thing I noticed is that the no of reads and votes doesn't match, many people might think that I am doing this to increase the numbers on the book but you guys have no idea how strongly it will motivate us writers to improve after looking at the votes and comments, My humble request is that if you are reading the story please click on the star button, and comment on how you liked the story or even share your thoughts, like what aspect do you want me to improve in the story. 

Your opinion matters a lot to me because I get new ideas through your choices., 

And I am planning to change the cover of the book, so please comment down your choices as to how you want it to be, and feel free to share any images of Teju and Karan if you have any. 

My humble request do vote and comment.,

Lots of love,

Chandrika Rao.

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