He still gets bullied, She knows it when he cancels their plan. Because the bruises don't easily fades in a day or two. She sees them but pretends to not. It is not easy but he is trying and she appreciated that.

They would not meet each other during school hours, It was Carter's condition. She knows he fears that people will bully her if she is seen with him.

With that condition, They both would meet each other after classes in the abandoned room for the fighting purpose. Most of the time, They both practice their fighting skills and other than that it would be assignments.

Sometimes, Fayth would pick a word and they both would talk about their beliefs for the word. It was a fun yet informative game.

It's been a week since the Party incident, And the most shocking thing for Fayth was that no one was talking about that. As if no one spiked all of their drinks! Everyone were like-
"Damn I enjoyed the party so much that I can't even remember what happened at last."

Aut some of them were clearly lying.
But why?!

Last week, Marley was at the hospital. Just recently she came back to the dorm room, But even now, No one was ready to leave her side. It was either Fayth or Someone from the Royals.

Whenever they were present, Fayth would leave the room.

Fayth sighs, remembering the crazy night. Marley was trying, But it was evident in her eyes how scared she has become.

Fayth does not shut the lights off at night and she has to stand outside of her bathroom, constantly talking to Marley.

Making her believe that she was there. On the first day, Marley was scared to even bathe alone and Fayth understood her concerns and it would be a lie if she says that she didn't pity the poor soul.

But now, there were different thoughts in her mind. Who did this to Marley? And why? She wanted to ask these questions to Marley but she could not, after seeing her reaction even at the sentence of that night. It would take time for Marley to open up about the incident.

Tonight, Marley had to go home, Because of some hospital checks and that was good news for Fayth. She also had some work to do.

Because of the party incident
Fayth could not do anything about her own problems. And tonight she is finally getting the chance.

After pressing the password of her room she entered and tossed her bag on the bed. She went directly toward the bathroom, The feeling of sweat was something, Fayth does not appreciate.

After freshening up, Fayth went toward her mirror janitor to do the little skincare routine that Marley had instructed her to do.

But before she could do that- She felt her instincts again, as if someone other than her was in the room.

She looked around and nothing was out of the ordinary but then her gaze went toward the door, her breath stopped as she looked at the opened door. The incident with Aiden flashed before her eyes and she gritted her teeth at the anxiety.

Aiden has been quiet after the incident and had taken his distance from her.

If she remembers it clearly, she would never enter her room without closing the door- to just confirm her doubts she heard a loud noise coming from the storage room, that Marley had been using as a kitchen.

Who could be here at this late hour?

Fayth took the pen from the drawer and went toward the direction with calculated steps.

She finally peeked through the curtain, her eyeballs wandered before making a direct eye contact with the other person.


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