Chapter 8

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Hey everyone! So this is the last chapter of this book. I really hoped you liked and enjoyed it!


-Lights out! Said James as he closed my laptop, giving me just enough time to remove my fingers which were typing frantically.

I was about to object but his lips were already on mine as I turned around on my chair to face him.

-Hey. He breathed, his forehead resting on mine.

-Hey. I whispered, feeling my cheeks heating up.

It had been two days. Two days since I had been living the perfect and most incredible dream of my life. Two days since James told me that he loved me and that he had chosen me above anything else. Two days since my overthinking brain calmed down and my heart was at peace. It had been exactly two days since I was home.

Unfortunately, every dream had to come to an end. James had to go back to Stanford and I was to stay Minnesota. I didn't tell him to stay and he didn't beg me to come back, we both knew that we had to go separate ways. Long distance relationships never worked, that was general knowledge. Would it work for us? No. Definitely not. Every couple thinks that they are special and that it will work...but it never does and both end up heartbroken no matter how strong their love might be. So that was it then? Was it just a forty eight hour relationship with James? We didn't talk about it but I could always see the anxiety in his eyes and the sadness and desperation every time he kissed me.

-We'll be fine Ath...he said, bringing me back to reality, when I had completely zoned out.

-How do you know? I asked again for the thousandth time.

-Is it too early to tell you that I love you? He joked.

I sighed...if we weren't in the library right now I would have thrown myself at him.

-I have a surprise for you. He said, smirking.

-Oh come know how much I hate cringy and cheesy stuff. Seriously...I don't want-

-How's that for a change? He said, presenting a hot cup of coffee and the most gorgeous crimson rose in front of me.

-Perfect.Thank you. I replied, my eyes glistening like stars.

He sat down in front of me and played with his hands. He seemed miserable and anxious. As if he was facing a hard and dark truth.

-What's wrong?

-Nothing...just...I have to tell you something. Maybe it's not the right time...I...He stammered.

Unlike me, James never stuttered. He was always fluent and confident. Something was wrong and it hit me like a bullet through glass. This was it. This was the moment I had been unwilling to think about, because if I did, I would be crying non stop. He was breaking up with me. Not because he had to but because he loved me. It was the right thing to do and we both knew it. We just didn't want to accept it. My heart was beating so fast that I could feel my ribs tightening. No. This was not happening. Not right now. We were supposed to have more time.

-Athena...he whispered, looking at me with watery eyes.

As he saw my worried expression, he sat next to me. I turned around to face him and holding my hands he said,

-We...we have-

-No. I murmured, staring at our linked hands.

-Ath? He said in a small voice.


-I don't have a speech.

I giggled, trying not to fall into pieces at the same time. With a deep breath, I said barely above a whisper.

-I wish we had more time.

Cupping my cheek he looked at me as if he was memorising every inch of my face so as to remember me until we would find each other again. If we ever did. His dark brown eyes were begging me to tell him not to go. However, I knew that I couldn't be the reason his future would be ruined. I didn't want him to leave. I wished he would stay with me forever but that was too much to ask. Too much of a sacrifice. Too much guilt to bear for the rest of my life. James had to live his life even though I wouldn't be part of the equation. I just hoped that I would never forget those eyes looking at me so adoringly with love and worry.

-Can't you stay longer? I pleaded.

-I have to go back. Everyone is looking for me and we both know that if I stay longer I'll never leave.

-Will you visit?

-When I won't be broke. He smiled sadly. What about you?

-When I won't be broke. I repeated. So...we are breaking up?

-Please don't make me answer that. He said resting his forehead on mine.

-I don't want to say goodbye. I said in a trembling voice.

-Hey...he breathed, making soothing circles on my neck. It's not over. You and I are endgame. "Never lost, always found." he quoted from "The Witcher". We're going to find each other again. Don't lose hope. Don't you dare Athena Parks. If you knew just how much I love you. I'm not ready to give up on you yet. We're breaking up now but I'm planning to spend the rest of my life with you. No matter how long I have to wait. I love you Ath. he whispered, settling his head in the crook of my neck.

I closed my eyes. Breaking down right now was not an option. I had to be strong, brave. We just had to figure out how to survive for the next few years. I doubted he would call. Or maybe if I would hear from him again. If he called, we would be going towards a long distance relationship and eventually break up. We had to break contact. As soon as he would cross the library would be over. I tried to savour the few minutes I had left with him but my heart couldn't stop racing a thousand miles per hour. I was going to miss him. Miss him so much that every second thinking about him would be a knife tearing my heart into pieces.

He had to go. Admitting the truth tore me apart, especially when I actually said it aloud.

Without a word, he kissed my neck, making all his way up to my lips. Kissing me with much more passion than anytime before. He loved me and he was pouring it all in one. He didn't want to leave but he had to. He kissed me like it would be our last kiss but it was...wasn't it? "Don't stop. Don't go!" my brain yelled desperately at him. My hands gripped his shirt and his hands gripped my hair with so much strength that it started to hurt. I didn't care as long as he didn't stop kissing me. But he had to. Tears filled up his eyes as we both got up, still inches apart. He pecked my lips one more time and said,

-Do you remember when we first met?

-In the library?

-No. In the administrative office.

-You saw me back then? I asked, surprised.

-I was smiling at you, love. He smiled, putting a stranded hair behind my ear.

-I thought...

-I know. I just wanted to tell you that. I thought you should know.

-I...thank you. I said, blushing.

-I'll miss you Ath. he said above his shoulder, as he reluctantly released me from his embrace and walked away.

-Until we meet again right? I said, trying to smile.

-I'll wait for your book. See you on the other side, Goddess of Athens. He smirked.

He reached the knob and with one last look back...he opened the door and he was gone.

It was only then that I broke down. Falling on my knees, watching my tears fall on the ground.I was shivering, sobbing continuously. My hands were white and trembling, my chest inflating at a worrying size but it was only then that I managed to whisper in a shaky voice, "Don't go."

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