"Haha..but can you tell me why everyone and everything here looks so fancy? Is there an occasion for something special today or what..?"
"I didn't dress up for anything at all...but looking at everyone here, I'm starting to think maybe that would have been a better option.."

"Oh don't mind it" Soren added on. "This place isn't for the regular type of customers you would usually see at a normal type of bar"

"What do you mean?"

"It's for the rich and other types of acquaintances that have connections to this place."
"Only,We were able to get in because my dad was able to hit it off and become good friends with the owner of this place"

"Ah, really?"

"So feel free to do whatever you want in this place"
"Although, I recommend you do get too drunk and mess with the people here. I heard things can get messy real quick if one of them is pissed off."

"I see.."
"Is there anything else I should know about?"

"Nah that's it for now"

"By the way...if anything happens again..maybe consider telling me right away, yeah?"
"I won't just let what happened earlier slip my mind that quickly.."


"...of course"

Soren turned back to Skylar and shoved him a bit because it seemed like Skylar was dozing off already.

On the other hand, I ordered the strongest drink there and drank until my hearts content.


The clock ticking. The constant sounds rapidly speeding up.

Was I dead or completely drunk?.
My mind was completely blank and everything around me was fuzzy and unclear. It felt as if I was drugged with something outrageously strong. My body was hot and I could feel sweat racing down my forehead.

I had been passed out on the countertop for quite sometime.

I looked around me to notice Skylar and Soren were gone. Had they just dipped and left me here..? My mind was so foggy to the point I could barely think of anything.

Is this why I saw people be completely careful of how much they drank..

I reached out for my phone to try and text them and see if they actually just left me here or not, but as soon as I reached for my phone, I dropped it.
I got up to try and get it but as soon as I got up my legs were shaking and I immediately fell right on the floor.

I felt a few eyes staring at me and I could feel my heart race even faster. I couldn't even bring myself to get off the floor and grab my phone to immediately leave this place, but I quickly managed and did it anyway.

After leaving the Labyrinth, I found myself stumbling in an alleyway that was dark and cold.

I could barely walk on my own and I couldn't drive with the state I was in now. So, this situation felt rather difficult to be in.

I ended up leaning on one of the walls in the alleyway and kept my head there because it was cold and felt absolutely amazing on this tremendously hot body of mine.

I ended up letting out a few heavy breaths before I noticed how badly my cock was throbbing.

And what was even worse was that I had drank way more than just one glass of it.

I pulled out my hardened dick from out of my pants and started masturbating to stop all the heat and pleasure that was circling around my body.

Unfortunately, it wasn't enough. No matter how many times-or how hard I stroked it, it still throbbed and was dripping wet.

My face was red as hell and my body temperature didn't seem to drop one bit. At this point, I didn't know what to do with myself and just stood in the alleyway with my eyes closed.

My heavy breaths were the only thing I could hear while I stroked my cock again to calm it down.

Before I whipped out my hand again and rubbed it some more, I heard a faint chuckle that came from behind.

"You must have drank the strongest one there if you're this horny huh?"

To my surprise, I turned around with a shocked expression written all over my face because I didn't think for a moment that somebody would actually be out here and full-on watch me give my own self pleasure back-to-back.

This "man" didn't seem much older than myself, we seemed rather close in age...as far as I could tell. He wasn't ugly at all and his complexion would actually want to make one stare for awhile without blinking. He had long black locks that flowed halfway down his back and a jawline that complimented his face structure.

"You've dropped your phone while wobbling your way out of the labyrinth. I'd just thought I'd let you know and give it to you" he said in an exceedingly soft voice that echoed in my ear.

"Although...seems like you're rather busy at the moment."
"Considering how wet and hard you are at the same time."

With his body right behind mine I quickly said, "Leave it there or put it in my pocket, I'll see to it later.."

Having said that, he gently slid the phone in my back pocket and my cock started throbbing even more.

That alcohol must've had some type of sedative in it or something..

I could feel my temperature rise higher and my body started becoming more and more sensitive.
My vision started to become blurry again and I ended up letting out a few unsteady breaths.

With how he was still standing right behind me looking over, I could feel the way he stared and looked at my hardened dick while it was still wet and dripping with cum.

"What..? You ain't ever seen someone masturbate before..?"

He chuckled before saying, "I have. But seeing you stroke it mindlessly over and over again with no help makes me feel kinda sorry for you.."

With his deep and soft voice continuously going in and out my ear, I couldn't help but get even more hardened as his voice felt overwhelmingly good in my ear.

"Getting even more aroused with my voice?"
He grinned.

He put his hand around my waist and then put his mouth closer to my ear and whispered.
"Let me help you.."

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