Chapter 2

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Me, Skylar and Soren had known each other for as long as we could remember. We practically did everything together. Starting from our childhood days up until our Highschool and college days, we were inseparable. We all met at daycare one day and at first glance we seemed to click with one another.

When I was younger, it was harder for me to make friends because everyone else already had their pair of friends..or probably because I was a lot different back then than how I am now so I was really grateful for them.

We hung out everyday since that moment and our moms got along with each other quite nicely. So I guess it was good for me that I had met them the way I did.

Skylar grew up with both of his parents and Soren only grew up his father while I, on the other hand, grew up with only my mother and 2 older brothers.

My upbringing was harsh, I knew that. But I only allowed my brain to cherish the memories that could only give me inner peace and solace. It was only years later that I had found myself to be destroyed by the impressions of my mother and soon enough, drifted further away from my 2 best friends in which I had thought were going to be with me dearly until the day I had died.

Safe to say..I couldn't blame her at all for what happened.

I stood in my room in which it was pitch black. With my phone in my hand that emitted light and the time that was written out on the screen that displayed the numbers, "9:47". I let out a sigh and let my eyes gaze back onto the knife that had been stained with blood.

Just sitting there, inside my drawer, was a knife that was stained with dried blood. Within the dry blood, was the essence of a girl I had killed over a month ago.

Although, it wasn't just any kind of girl. I killed the previous top-student and made sure the crime was remarkably well done. She was fairly easy to kill and I had not bat a single eye while piercing her stomach 3 to 4 times until she completely laid on the ground unconscious.

I chuckled and let out another sigh before going on my phone and reading a message from Soren that read, "you're coming to the bar with us right? Me and Skylar are waiting in case you are willing to show up", "The bar is Adeline's labyrinth so be there, and we can chat up a few words while we're at it"

I let out another sigh. Obviously, I hadn't planned on going anywhere to begin with, but I guess going wouldn't hurt, and honestly I could use some alcohol right now.

I sent Soren a text message to let him know I'd be there and eventually, it didn't take long for me to arrive.

I walked inside the place and the lights were lit perfectly dim. It was as if the whole place was sex driven and anyone would be fucking anywhere and anytime.

I looked around and men seemed to be drinking while wearing suits and the women were also drinking but wearing silky dresses and heels that looked expensive.

On one side of me I saw a couple making out and caressing each other's bodies while on the other side of me was a group of good looking men drinking on a sofa. I could tell they were all still sober considering the fact that they were all careful of the amount of liquor they poured in each other's drinks.

Looking around a bit more, I finally saw Skylar and Soren and we greeted one another.

"What type of bar is this? This is completely different than the ones I go to, it's nice and more relaxing."

Skylar chuckled and replied, "Right? I saw this place online and the reviews for it were great"

Soren exhaled, "I only came for the alcohol to be Honest."

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