Chapter 23 - Missing

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Courtney's POV

The news of Hunter's long lost love interest being back in town stayed in my mind the rest of the day. How was I supposed to respond to something like that? At the time, I just sat and listened, then thank him for telling me, but now I couldn't get it out of my head. She was back and looking for him.

I hadn't pressed for a name. Honestly, knowing the name may bug me even more, not to mention I frankly didn't care to know it. Whoever she was had hurt him and the others before, and I didn't want to see that happen again.

I rolled over onto my side, looking out my bedroom window. Tonight I chose to sleep in my room, but not because of the plans that were set in motion by Alex.

The trip to Daniel's house was going to start soon and, as to my knowledge, Hunter has no idea. I still feel awful about going behind his back like this, but Alex seemed set on it. However, I wasn't so sure about this anymore.

Earlier in the day, I had begun to feel sick. My stomach hurt, and I really didn't want to move around. I told Hunter I was going to bed early, choosing to stay in my room tonight. He seemed worried about my almost sudden change, but I think we both figured it was from all the news that I was presented with today. Now everything seemed to be settling down again, but I still didn't feel quite myself.

It was then that I saw a light flash in my window, there and gone like a flash of lightning. It flashed three times, and I knew it was Alex's signal. He would have the car parked outside and wait on me to get down there. I took a breath then began to slide out of bed. I just wanted to get this all over with.

I wasn't going to back out, not after I said I would go, but I just wasn't feeling all that up to it. Opening my door, I moved it softly so it wouldn't make a lot of noise. I looked down the hall towards Hunter's room and paused as I listened. Hunter was softly snoring with his door open. Normally it would be closed, but I guess he was too worried about not hearing me if I needed something. Stepping out, I shut the door behind me and quietly walked to the stairs, keeping my footsteps gentle and light.

As I headed out the front door, I noticed Alex sitting in a black Honda, lights off and everything quiet. I quickly made it over to the passenger door and slipped in. He greeted me with a cocky smile. "You ready?"

I simply nodded as the car door shut and I sat back against the seat. I just wanted him to drive. I looked over at him when I felt his hand clasp my shoulder and I saw his reassuring look. "Don't worry. We will be in and out in no time."

With that, he started the car again and put it in drive, pulling away from the house. Now there was definitely no turning back. As we drove, I just stared out the window, watching the dark houses and scenery go by. I ran through my head where everything was and how to get it. My guess is that it really shouldn't take us more than ten minutes tops. So then why do I feel so awful about this?

But I already knew the answer. I was going back to the house I once lived in, back to the place that belonged to the man that cornered me in the bathroom. I'm going behind Hunter's back while he thinks I am still sleeping in bed, participating in deceiving him. That reason alone made my gut hurt worse.

We soon pulled up to the house and Alex cut the engine. Everything got very still and very quiet. As I looked at the large, beautiful home, I remembered how safe I once felt behind its walls. Now it homes the second man that has hurt me in my life. And yet, here I was, entering into it once more.

I was drawn out of my thoughts when I heard Alex shift. "Alright, let's get moving," he said as his voice was held barely above a whisper.

I opened up the door and slid out, my legs beginning to shake. I drew in a deep breath of the crisp night air, seeing that the streets were quiet and bare, with no sign of anyone near. Looking at the house, all the doors and windows were shut and everything was quiet. It looked the same as it did when I last left it.

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