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I've been stomping around my campsite for hours. After finding the perfect spot, I was trying to make it even more perfect. Unfortunately, I'm dialing at that goal. Failing miserably.

"Stupid, wet wood." I grumble, blowing a stray hair from my face in frustrated determination as I fidget with the bundle of sticks and leaves.

I can usually build a fire in a minute flat, or at the very least get one started and quickly add to it to get dry it roaring. I know my way around a fire under normal circumstances. My only excuse is that these are not normal circumstances. Not even close.

It must have rained recently because all of my fire supplies are soaked. I glance at the black clouds rolling in and I grumble under my breath. It's starting to dawn on me that this continent might be just as rainy and habitually wet as the one I just left.

This planet is trying to kill me with endless wet weather. It's some of the worst conditions for solo survival. It's just my luck.

I scowl, going back to rubbing sticks together in a way that usually provides a few sparks, but I'm still left with nothing.

My face heats, my hand quiver, but I keep trying. I'm hoping for just a few sparks to burst forth across the leaves. My imagination conjures images of a roaring fire.

I'm not even very cold at the moment, but the sun is setting fast, and fire represents life. It's a sign of success in this dangerous nature.

I curse loudly, feeling helpless as I kick the seemingly useless things I've spent hours gathering.

Not all that long ago, I was feeling great. Optimistic, even. I had scavenged for lots of handy odds and ends in the endless, rock scattered forest. I gathered enough leaves and stripped bark to build a small roof over a lean-to shelter. It's not super long or wide, but enough to cover me from rain.

It's not much, but it's comfortable.

And it's also mine, which means a lot to me.

I've spent years surviving in the wilderness before I found my tribe back on Earth. I've done it before, and I'll do it again.

I have to. I have to make this work. I can't go back, I won't do it. I can't face the embarrassment, and I certainly can't face Aria.

"Stupid, shitty alien planet." I growl, shoving the sticks away and standing swiftly to fold my arms over my chest and stare down at the predicament before me.

And just when I think it can't get worse, a thunder crack booms overhead, echoing through the mountains, and rain begins to pour over me with a vengeance.

Great. Just great.

Now it most certainly can't get any worse.

"What is shit-teee?"

I stand corrected. Once again.

I turn around slowly to face the deep voice, my hair already slick and plastered to my forehead.

Locanas is an enormous, imposing figure standing in between two trees, bearing down on me with crossed arms and his immense presence.

His handsome face is twisted into a sneer, curiosity raging in his dark eyes.

He's a grouch, that's for sure. No wonder they sent him off to be alone here.

Although the desire to know what it is he did to deserve such a sentence is driving me crazy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2023 ⏰

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