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     I spit out a mouthful of blood, covering the floor in purple.

     My hands are tied behind my back, an unfair disadvantage against my attacker.

     "Get up, monster." He says, kicking me in the stomach. I cough, licking my lips and swallowing a mouthful of blood and saliva.

     I wriggle against the cold, metal floor, going to my knees, and then attempting to slide to my feet, but I'm stopped by a fist to the face.

     Thrown backwards, I land on my back, pinning my arms underneath me. I lay there silently, not giving the warrior to benefit of a reaction. He grins, standing over me and cracking his knuckles with a cock of his head.

    "Had enough yet?"

    I squint at him, knowing that no one gave him permission to sneak in here and pummel me while restrained, but if he were to be discovered I highly doubt the rest of the crew would have an issue with what he was doing.

    "Well, what say you, monster, have enough yet?" He practically spews the words at me.

    My pride is swelling in my chest, but I ignore it. I know when I am defeated. In both mind and body I am defeated in this moment, because I know that he's right and I know that I deserve this.

     I am a monster.


    His eyebrows raise, and he smirks down at me with his blood splattered hands on his hips.

     "What was that?"

     "I said yes, I have had enough." I seethe through clenched teeth.

     "Good. It's about time someone broke you." He says, slamming shut my prison and flicking off the lights.

     Barre certainly broke me, but I don't bother calling after him to remind him as he stomps down the hallway and away from me. I'm left in a mostly dark cell, covered in my own blood and a number of bruises.

     I roll onto my stomach, straightening and sitting on my cot. The nest is firm and uncomfortable, but I wouldn't expect anything different. I shake my head, actually anticipating the moment we arrive on Kalinda's mountain covered land. 

     But the sooner we arrive, the sooner I'm separated from the mysterious female living in the walls of the ship.

     My eyes flick to the air vent, remembering each feature of her small face, even though I've only seen her once. Hers isn't a face that is easily forgotten.

     There are times when I consider I might have dreamed her, maybe my imagination created her to comfort myself. But no, she must be real, there is no plausible explanation for such a delightful dream. She has to be real.

     I don't care what any of the crew says, the males all say I am insane, and I have given up on trying to convince them of her presence. At least not until I find out her reason for being here.

    "Well that didn't look fun." The words have me standing immediately to my full height.

     It's her. The tiny female. It's as if my thoughts conjured her.

    Her face is delicate, her nose sloped into a little rounded point, the tip of her nose red. I wonder if she is cold. She is not dressed for the cool temperatures of the ship, her sleeves short, exposing her slim arms.

     She is beautiful, even if she does resemble a young male. There is a gentle swell to her teats, her bottom round and full.

     I tear my gaze from her body, trying to dismiss the odd clothing she is wearing. My eyes are dragged back though, assessing her again. Most of the human females have become accustomed to the dresses provided for them to wear, but others such as this female cling to their pants that must have been popular on Earth.

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