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Jimin was under the impression that first kisses were ment to be magic. Jimin was a shy 16 year old omega 1st year of high school student studying at Seoul National High schools. He was the omega with most amazing smile, thick and fuller lips, with sweet marshmallow scent and offcourse his ear melting soft voice.
It was JM first day of uni and he was kinda late for hiss first class.Tae had already messaged him that their teacher had arrived in the class so JM was running as fast as he can. When he was turning towards the corridor which led to his class he ends up running into a boy with doe eyes and cold expression on his face barreling him overand their lips end up locking.

The boy had both of his hand pinned against the floor and his body firmly against JM. Although it was just a peck but JM was filled with deep astonishment and why not it was his first kiss on lips. He was waiting for the magic to happen which he always imagined while reading romantic novels but nothing happened. When JM finally came to his senses he saw that the boy was already standing up spreading his hand toward JM to help him to get up from the floor. When both were standing at that time jm finally noticed the boy's full face and it kind of felt familiar to jm.

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