"And you enjoy them?"

I nodded. "For me, outing is all about the people I am out with. Other things are secondary and barely affect it."

She smiled. "Let's get dressed and head out then," she said enthusiastically, picking the canvas she had been painting on as she skipped to her room.

"We'd have to go to my hostel first. I didn't bring anything along with me."

"It's no problem, you'd use my properties like you used to," she replied, "and the toiletries I got for you are still in the bathroom of your room. If you need anything, I can tell security to get it for you."

I chuckled at the lame joke I was about to say. "Who is going to secure you then?"

Fareedah smiled. "You."

"You are putting your eggs in the wrong basket, I am no fighter," I told her.

"Security is in the person," she replied, "Time waits for man." She didn't wait for me to say anything as she quickly walked off to her room.

I couldn't help the wide smile my lips spread into, my entire body heating up as I walked to my room. I had to keep reminding myself that, she still was a ticking bomb and would explode after any kiss or intimacy.

I got ready quickly, slipping into a crop top and cargo pants I had left in her place during one of my many sleep overs. Fareedah was also dressed and ready in a long bodycon gown, her hair packed in a simple puff. "Are you set?" she asked as she moved her denim jacket from her right arm to her left, hanging it there.

I nodded. "Set."

"Let's go," she said with a wide smile as she stepped out, while I follow behind.

We used another Benz, which was smaller than the one she uses to school. It was new, I hadn't seen it before. The inside even seemed new. "Did you just get this?" I asked her as I sat down, looking around the car.

She nodded, "One of sisters gave it to me. She said she got it as a gift, but didn't know what to do with it, so she came to park it here and told me it was mine."

I chuckled to myself. 'Rich people problem', I thought to myself, smiling.


We first when to a park. Luckily for us, it wasn't a sunny day, it was more of a breezy day. If it had been a sunny day, I knew we were both going to hate ourselves after a couple of minutes.

It was like killing two birds with one stone. We had seen an ice-cream stand at the park. There was a bit of a queue when we got there, but the queue was gone in no time at all. I got a strawberry and vanilla flavoured ice-cream, while Fareedah got mint chocolate. I gave her a nasty look at we sat down on a bench. "What is it?" she asked with a chuckle.

"That thing is nasty," I told her. "It tastes like toothpaste. What is there to enjoy in it?"

She laughed. "So, you are one of the many Mint-Choco haters."

"It isn't about hating it. It is about saying the truth."

She smiled, taking a but from her ice-cream before she replied, "It is like fresh air. It is a comfort taste for me. It tastes nice to me, that aside, but it is like a taste that brings me comfort. It is like walking out of your house on a dewy morning, everywhere is still fresh, not yet corrupted by humans." She gave a further explanation.

I nodded in understanding, licking my ice-cream in silence. Just then, some walked by with their dog, causing Fareedah to sigh. "What's wrong?" I asked, not looking up at her as I was way too invested in my ice-cream.

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