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A week had gone bye and I hadn't seen Fareedah. We did text each other every now and then, but our schedule wasn't really allowing us see each other and every time I thought of going to her faculty to go see her, I felt deep the need to give her a bit of space. It had only been a week, I wasn.t going to lie to myself, it felt longer than that. If someone told me I was going to survive not seeing her at all that long, I would have laughed.

Fareedah replies had become very vague, and sometimes she didn't reply. I wanted to take it as that she was busy, but it was Saturday and I had thoroughly convinced myself that she was most likely free. I was dressed in baggy low waist faded blue jeans, alongside a sky-blue crop top. I dusted my sneakers at her gate, adjusting my tote bag as I knocked at her gate. Honestly, I didn't know why I was so dressed up. Her gateman peeped to see who it was, smiling immediately he saw I was the one there. "Barka de zuwa (welcome)," he said as I walked in, causing me to widen the smile I already had on, as I nodded. I waved at him a bit as I walked in, trying to stay nice, since I didn't understand what he said and didn't want him to feel awkward about it.

Fareedah was seated upright in front of a white drawing canvas board, when I walked in. She stared straight at it blankly, holding a pencil in her right hand. She looked perfect from the door. She had her side facing the door, her hair up in a high bun, while she looked very comfortable in her blue jean dungarees and a black t-shirt inside. She looked like she had complete focus on what she was doing, which made me not want to distract her. I walked in gently, walking to where she was so I could stare at what she was drawing. But to my uttermost surprise, when I got there, her board was completely blank. Not even the stain of a pencil was on it. 'Maybe she was still trying to figure out what she wanted to draw', I thought to myself as I retreated and sat down, dropping my tote back as I admiring her back.

I had only been seated for a couple of seconds before Fareedah's voice broke into the room, sending shivers down my spine. "What are you doing here?" she asked firmly, not turning to look at me.

I frowned a bit, chuckling as I replied, "To see you?"

"Why?" she asked, still not turning to look at me.

I shrugged before I replied her, still trying to keep my smile on, "Because I want to?"

Fareedah sighed, causing me to wonder what was wrong with her and why she was asking all the questions she was asking. "But, you had begun to slowly establish the fact that you didn't want to see me anymore," she said as she turned to look at me, and that was when I noticed how red her eyes were.

I frowned as I got up, going to kneel right in front of her as she turned back to her canvas board. I had pushed the canvas board to the side thoughtlessly as I knelt to examine her face. "What do you mean?" I asked her, not being able to look away because I wanted to take notice of every single expression she made.

She shut her eyes as she tried to shake my hands away from her face. "Stop looking at me so closely," she said as she turned away, which only made me pull her face right back.

"Please open your eyes and talk to me," I said calmly, trying to also calm my racing heart. I honestly didn't know why my heart was racing so hard it hurt. I couldn't tell if it was the proximity of our face or how worried I was about her,

Fareedah opened her eyes slowly, letting a tear drop as it became a thread. "You caused it," she said with a frown, wiping at her eyes.

"What did I cause?" I wasn't asking her all those questions to get on her nerve, but because I was genuinely confused on what I had done wrong.

"You stopped trying to see me, and would only text when convenient for you." Her stream of tears began to flow again as she used the back of her hands to wipe at her eyes.

Paint Me (GXG) ✒️Where stories live. Discover now