Group 7-Group 4-The School Principal & Tecaher

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The school staff of Collège Françoise DuPont began to wake up. When the woke up they saw that were in a movie theatre. They wonder how they got here in the first place. One of them remembered expelling Marinette because of what she did to Lila.

"Hello" the hostess greeted. They turned around to see the girl. "Who are you? Why are we here?" Mr. Damocles asked. The hosted rolled her eyes at the principal. "I brought you here to watch two clips of Lila and Marinette" the hostess replied. Mr. Damocles and Miss. Bustier were about to say something.

"I don't go hear it. Now take a seat so we can begin" the hostess says. So, that's what they did.

"Now let's began with your first clip with a threat" the hostess says. The school staff wondered what she meant by that. Mr. Damocles and Miss. Bustier think that Marinette threatened Lila. Meanwhile, Ms. Mendelevium and Sisst thinks it's the other way around.

Scene: Collège Françoise DuPont, bathroom. Marinette continues to growl, Lila enters.

Lila: Marinette? Oh, are you crying?

Marinette: No, I'm not!

"She is checking up on you, Marinette, be nice to her" Miss. Busier says. "Lila is trying to be nice, but Marinette is just being a bully" Mr. Damocles said. The rest of school staff wondered what the two colleagues were talking about. Marinette wasn't a bully, and she never harsh to any students. All except Chloe since she mean to people.

Lila: I can sense that you don't like me, but I don't understand why. We barely know each other.

Ladybug: (in flashback) Miss Show-Off here was trying to impress you.

"Why would Ladybug say that?" Fred asks. They wondered  why Ladybug would say that. Along with how Marinette knew that. "It because Marinette is Ladybug" the hostess answered. All of them were in shock meanwhile Mr. Damocles realized he screwed up. He expelled a superhero.

Lila: Don't tell me it's because of this new seating arrangement in class! (Marinette turns away from Lila) It is! Of course, you're jealous because I'm sitting next to Adrien, because you would've given anything to sit there yourself. You know what? It's really not worth fighting over a boy. You and I could be friends, and who knows, I might even able to help you with Adrien.

Marinette: You and I will only be friends the day you stop lying, Lila! (Lila gasps) I can't prove it, but I know for a fact that you don't have tinnitus, that your wrist is just fine, that you don't know Prince Ali because you've never even stepped foot in Achu, and despite what you got Alya to write on her Ladyblog, Ladybug has never saved you life!

Lila: I only tell people what they want to hear.

Marinette: It's called lying!

"She was lying" all of them shouted well, except for Ms. Mendeleiev and Sissy. "I mean, it was clear she lying. All her lies were very odd and made no sense" the two pointed out. The people who believed Lila began to look back at her lies and realized the lies.

Lila: There's nothing you can do about it, anyway. People can't resist when they hear what they like to hear. If you don't want to hear my friend, fine! But soon you won't have any friend left at all. And trust me, I'll make sure you never get close to Adrien in class or anywhere. You seem a little less dumb than the other, so I'll give you one last chance. You are either with me or against me. You don't have to answer right away. I'll give you 'till the end of class today.

All of them were shocked at Lila threat. She threatened Marinette all because Marinette didn't believe her lies. What the hell is wrong with Lila Rossi...or whatever her real name is. Remember her real name isn't Lila Rossi, it maybe be Cerise or maybe not. Like seriously,  what is her identity?

(Lila leaves the bathroom; Marinette enters one of the bathroom stalls; Tikki flies out)

"What a minute those are the creatures I tried to show the world" Ms. Mendeleiev stated. They remembered when she tried to tell the world of the creatures. "Maybe they have something to do with Marinette's miraculous" Armand added. To wonder what the creature may have to do with the miraculous.

Marinette: I though Chloe was evil, but Lila really take the whole cake! She's like a supervillain who doesn't even need a costume!

Tikki: You mustn't let her get to you, Marinette.

Marinette: If I don't  manage to expose her lies, she'll ruin my life, Tikki. She'll turn my friends against me, including Adrien! (Screams in frustration and punches the side of the stall)

"What does Adrien have to do with it" they asked.  'It is because Marinette has a crush on him but is moving on from him' the hostess though. "It is because Adrien also knows that Lila is List and told Marinette not to tell anyone" she replied. They were shocked at Adrien's words.

"By the way Mr. Damocles, you are big trouble with Marinette's dad" the hostess says. All of them were confused at what she meant. "Marinette father isn't Tom it is Alistar Krei" she tells them. All of them were silent when they heard this shocking twist.

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