The door bell rang. Natsu got up to answer the door and saw his friends there holding bags. He didn't like where this was going.

"Do you guys just not have homes of your own?"

They pushed past him. "You're mom told us we were welcome to come over anytime so we're here to spend the night" Erza said ignoring his previous comment.

Natsu closed the door not bothering to fight them. 

"Hey guys." Lucy greeted coming downstairs. She didn't question why they were there.

They greeted her back and made their way to the guest bedrooms. Soon after getting settled the boys went to the game room while the girls stayed in the living room.

"Why'd you leave early last night?" Levy asked.

Lucy didn't know whether or not to tell them what happened since it wasn't a big deal. The girls saw the hesitant look on her face and urged her to tell them her reason. She was thankful that Wendy was upstairs since she didn't think this would be appropriate for her to hear.

She told them what happened what she witnessed and how Natsu explained the situation afterwards. Levy, Erza and Juvia were speechless.

"While it is shocking I can't say that I'm surprised, this does seem like something she'd do" Erza stated. Juvia and Levy nodded.

"What do you mean?" Lucy asked.

"While she hasn't done anything like this before she does like Natsu in an unhealthy way and we think she feels threatened by you since it's clear that Natsu likes you and not her" Levy explained. 

"Natsu doesn't like me" 

"Out of everything I said that's what you're caught up on? Well we aren't gonna try to convince you since it's pretty obvious"

The girls sighed. "You can't be serious Lucy, how can you not see it?" Erza asked shocked at how much denial Lucy was in.

"You sleep in his bed, he never leaves your side, he takes care of you, he gives you whatever you want, he does whatever you say, he only ever listens to you and he felt the need to explain in detail what happened  between him and Lisanna so you wouldn't have the wrong idea" Juvia stated hoping Lucy would their point.

"We're best friends" Lucy said making all the girls sigh dramatically.

"You're a lost cause"

They decided to change the subject. The girls were telling Lucy about people who got caught cheating last night after she left.

30 minutes into their conversation Lucy heard August cry through the baby monitor. She excused herself and ran upstairs.

As soon as she picked him up out of the crib he calmed down. They went back downstairs, instead of going back to the living room she went to the game room.

"Natsu" She called out opening the door.


"Could you make a bottle for August please?" 


Natsu headed to the kitchen while Lucy went back to the living room. 

"Where are Mavis and Zeref?" Erza  asked.

"Having a day out"

Natsu came back with August's formula. He handed it to Lucy before going back to the game room.

Once Natsu sat back down the boys began to bother him.

"Since when can you make formula?" Gray asked going to the snack bar to get a soda.

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