Chapter 13

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The inside of the police station is nothing like

what you see on TV. It actually looks like the

freaking DMV, only a little more cheerful. The

detectives lead mom and I into a big conference room

looking area with a full glass wall and no windows. It's

generic and sterile and reeks of burnt coffee and old spice.

I take a seat at one side of the table. Starsky and Hutch

stare at me across the table. I eyeball them coldly, trying

to decide which one is going to play bad cop.

"Miss Reed. As your mother told you, Kaylee

Greely was found dead early this morning. How well did

you know Miss Greely?"

Logan stands behind the detectives, watching me.

"Just be honest," he encourages.

"Not well. I knew of her. We'd spoken a few times."

"So you weren't close?"

"No, why?" I ask, irritation growing in chest like

a thorny vine.

"Just answer the questions please."

"Um, I am."

Mom reaches over and pats my shoulder.

"Did you see her yesterday?"

I take a deep breath. "Yeah. At school. She was in

the bathroom, crying."

I pucker, trying to decide whether to leave it there

or press forward. Logan nods for me to continue.

"She was sick. Throwing up. I gave her a cool

towel. And, uh, she asked me to hand her purse to her. It

spilled and there was a pregnancy test inside."

They exchange another mysterious look and

scribble on a big yellow pad of paper.

"I asked her about it, and she admitted she was


"Is that all?"

I shrug. "I felt bad for her, offered to drive her

home, she told me no and left on her own."

"Is that the last time you saw her."

I nod.

The chunky guy opens a file on the counter.

"Have you ever been to the Apple Mountain

Radio Tower?"

I nod again.

"How long ago was that?"

"I went a few months ago with a cleanup crew,

and then again about a week ago."

"For what purpose did you go all the way up there,

Miss Reed?"

I clench my jaw.

"I went because...I wanted to try to understand

what happened to Logan."

"Were you and Logan close?"

I nod. "Best friends when we were little. And we

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