Chapter 4

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By the time Carlos drops me off its full dark,

not a star in the sky thanks to the still dense

clouds. My head is buzzing with his excitement

over his upcoming date with Bloomie Hottie—aka Scott.

Mom's car is in the driveway, but the house is dark except

for the small light over the kitchen sink. When I get in,

there's a carton of Orange Chicken and rice and a post-it

note with, Have a good night scrawled across it. Mom's

idea of an apology since she hates Chinese food. I grab a

fork and the food and head for my room. Flicking on the

light with my elbow I expect to see Logan sitting there,

but he isn't. I glance at my alarm clock. I'm actually a

little late. It's been almost an hour and a half since I saw

him at the tea room.

Maybe he's finally gone.

I stab at my food as an uncomfortable knot forms

in my stomach.

"That smells really good," his voice says behind me.

I spin in my chair and Logan is standing in my doorway,

leaning against the wall.

"Nice of you to show up." I mutter around a bite

of chicken. Then I frown, realizing what he said. "Wait,

you can still smell things?"

He makes a show of inhaling deeply through his

nose. "Orange chicken, right?"

I nod.

"Then, yeah. I guess so."

I raise one eyebrow. "That's so weird. I mean, you

can hear and see and smell, so why can't you feel anything,

like, touch. All your other senses seem to be functioning."

He rolls his eyes and steps into the room, "I don't

know. I'm pretty new at this whole being dead thing,


I point the fork at him. "Right. About that..."

Spinning in my chair as I hit my mouse and my

laptop flickers to life. I set the canister of food aside and

type. I don't feel Logan slide up beside me, but he leans

over me, propping himself up with one arm on my desk.

"What are you searching?"

"Carlos thinks you might have unfinished business,

something keeping you here."

I don't look up as the search results roll in. I

click on a video link and it's one of those paranormal

investigators from TV doing an interview.

"Most of the spirits we encounter are trapped here in

a perpetual loop, searching for some kind of closure that will

allow them to move on. Sometimes, we can assist with that

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