Chapter 6

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I fall asleep on the way home and at some point

Logan vanishes. By the time I get home it's growing

dark and I feel like I've been hit by a truck. Who

knew shopping could be so much work?

Carlos helps me get the bags in before skipping

off to gloat about his victory on his vlog. I'm sure he is

going to tell the whole world about our little adventure.

As soon as it's online I watch, but there's only a brief

mention of the day's shopping marathon. It's mostly

about the movie he saw last week, and of course, about

the latest fashion blogs. I click off my computer and heat

up some left over soup for dinner. I'm curled up on the

sofa when mom gets home, quickly changes, then heads

off to work the graveyard shift. I fall asleep watching

SyFy not long after that.

"Hey, hey," Logan calls.

I crack one eye open and he's sitting beside me

on the couch.

"Good, you're awake."

I flip him off.

"What time is it?"

He glances over his shoulder, "Um...two twenty."

"I hate you."

"I know," he smiles.

Reluctantly I sit up and flick the TV off, shuffling

to my room like a zombie.

"Whoa, where are you going?"

"Bed. You know, where you go to sleep."

He moves in front of me to cut me off, but I'm so

tired I just step right through him.

"Hey," he protests and follows me to my room.

I shut the door on him, as if that's going to keep

him out.

As expected he slides through the door just as I

fall into bed.

"Seriously? I come to bring you good news and

this is how you treat me?"

I close my eyes. "You're still here. The news can't

be that good."

He sits on the edge of my bed and though I don't

see it. I can sort of feel it, kind of the way you can feel

when someone is watching you.

"Fine." I sit up, pulling my thick green blanket

around me to ward off his chill. "What is your news?"

"I was just at Bruno's house—"


"Anyway. He was talking about having to be at

lacrosse tryouts tomorrow. They are doing it before

school starts this year."

I yawn. "This is good news how?"

"Well, they are going to be announcing who is

taking my place as team captain. And I'm sure it's going

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