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[A/N: This chapter takes place when Stiles and Derek find out who sent the texts:). Follow to keep updated <3]

-Stiles Pov-

Not again, oh god, please not again. "You need to stop doing... this, Derek," I whined as he pinned me against the wall harder. He smirked for a quick second and then growled, "then stop pissing me the fuck off then."

"Well it's not my fault you have some serious anger issues you need to sort out, I can get you a therapist if needed or-" he slammed me against the wall harder, "or not, yeah deff not."

"What was you thinking?!" He spat.

"What do you mean 'what was I thinking'?! Why are you acting like you care, you hate me for fucks sake!" I whisper shouted, he loosened the grip on my shirt and leaned in a bit closer.

"Stiles. You could have been killed... This... This alpha isn't normal, it's a different alpha... A powerful one, one with no humanity as well. They wouldn't have thought twice about killing you." He whispered, he sounded as if he felt if he spoke to loud his voice would break.

"Okay, fine. I'm sorry, okay? It's just I had a lead and you wouldn't pick up and Scott is, well Scott with a girlfriend and you know?" I looked down at his hands which were trembling clutching onto my shirt. He let go of my shirt and smoothed it out for me and began walking to the window, "wait..." I begged as I grabbed his wrist and turned him around.

"Yes?" He asked making eye contact with me.

"I- Uh... I have a new lead... And umm... Danny's coming round to help..."

"Okay, tell me what you both find." He looked at my hand which was still curled around his wrist and then looked back at me.

"Stay?" I asked, he raised his eyebrow at me, "to umm- Help? And once we find out the location we can go check it out... Together?" God I sound like a beg, I groaned on the inside.

"I- Okay..." He sighed, I let him go and he sat in my arm chair and began reading a book, I sat in my computing chair and didn't dare look at Derek, knowing if I look now I'm going to do something I will regret.

(A few minutes later, Danny has arrived.)

-No One Pov-

"You want me to do what?!" Danny yelled furiously at Stiles, Derek looked up from his book slightly amused but angered with the way he spoke to his mate.

"Trace a text," Stiles smiled innocently.

"I came here to do lab work. That's what lab partners do!"

"And we will!... Once you trace the text," Stiles was starting to get annoyed and scratched his head, still Derek secretly watched them both. Well he mostly just admired Stiles and tried not to laugh at how angry he was getting.

"And what makes you think I know how?" Danny crossed his arms and Stiles began to grin slightly before letting out a nervous chuckle.

"I looked up your arrest report, so..."

"I... I was thirteen!" Danny stuttered defensively," a-and they dropped the charges."


"No, we're doing lab work," he said getting out a chair and sitting on it, next to Stiles. Derek didn't like how their chairs nearly touch and by nearly I mean around ten inches apart.

"Oh, my..." Stiles muttered frustrated, before biting down at his fist. Derek glared at them both making Danny slightly scared but also slightly turned on, which pissed Derek off as he only likes when Stiles gets turned on by him.

"Who is he again?" Danny asked pointing at Derek, Stiles looked over at Derek and quickly looks back at Danny.

"Um, my cousin?... Miguel?" It sounded more like a question then an actual statement or answer to the question. Derek shot him an angry scowl, why couldn't he just tell him? And what sort of fucking name is Miguel?!

"Is that blood on his shirt?" He asked, slight worry crossing his face whilst pure annoyance and fear crept across Stiles' as he glanced between both men in the room with him.

"Yeah? Uh- Yes, well, he gets these horrible nosebleeds," he sighed before letting another nervous chuckle creep past his lips. FUCKING NOSE BLEEDS?!, Derek thought. "Hey, Miguel?" Stiles called over to Derek earning an even bigger scowl, "I thought I told you, you can borrow one of my shirts."

Derek closed his book, clearly mad and slumped of his chair before making his way to Stiles' shirt draw. He took his shirt off and began looking through it. He could practically see Danny drooling all over his back but he could also smell Stiles' attraction, which he loved of course.

"You have the skills to trace that text," Stiles finally took both his and Danny's eyes off Derek's back muscles.


"So you should probably-"

"Stiles?" Derek called.

"Yes?" He groaned before turning around to face Derek's muscled front which Danny's eyes were already glued to. He felt his face heat up but he kept it under control the best he could.

"This... No fit." He spat tugging at the collar of the shirt, he bit back a smirk at Stiles' reaction to his shirtless chest and also bit back a growl at Danny's reaction.

"Then try something else on." Stiles said rolling his eyes and turning his and Danny's head back to the computer screen. Stiles realised how much attention Danny had being paying attention to Derek, obviously he was pissed about it but it also meant he could use it against him. As Derek put on another shirt he thought it was his time to shine, "hey, that one looks pretty good, huh? What do you think Danny?" He asked tapping him on the chest.


"The shirt." Derek turned around to face them scowling hard.

"It's... It's not really his colour..." He chocked as Derek took his shirt off again and went back to looking.

"You swing for a different team, but you still play ball, don't you Danny boy?" Stiles snorted before turning back to the screen in front of him.

"You're a horrible person." He sighed.

"I know, it keeps me awake at night... Anyway, about that te-"

"STILES!" Derek growled, "NONE OF THESE FIT!" Danny took one last look at Derek before going completely red and looked back at the screen.

"I'll need the ISP, the phone number and the exact time of text..." He rushed. Stiles punched the air with his fist before winking at Derek who had just found a shirt and turned back to the computer.

(Half an hour later)

-Stiles Pov-

"There," Danny sighed showing me and Derek the owner of the texts, my heart skipped a beat and Derek's usual scowl was mixed with a look of pure surprise, "the text was sent from a computer. That one." He finished.

"Registered to that account name?!" Derek asked for me leaning closer, so I could feel his breathe on my ear.

"No, no, no, no, no. That can't be right," I whispered, my heart was in my throat as I stared at Melissa McCall's name imprinted on the screen.

Sweet And Sour (Sterek)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon