Not a villain

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Metaverse Arcade, an arcade where people can come and play games of all genres and styles from different times and places from the developers from DreamWorks and Disney.

"My name's Elsa, technically Queen Elsa, but more Ice Queen Elsa than an actual queen, and I'm a villian. Let's see...I'm 21 years old, I have blue eyes, rosy cheeks, thin pink lips, a small nose, and short platinum-blonde hair, I also wear an ice dress I created myself along with an ice crown created the same way. You see, I was supposed to be crowned Queen, but my younger sister Anna was the one to become Queen. What else? I was born with magical abilities to conjure and manipulate ice and snow. And that is a big part of my game, I run away from home in disgrace and create an ice castle up on top of the highest mountain before creating monsters to go attack my previous home. Snow monsters could be anything from snow giants, snow animals, stuff like that, and then I also froze the entire kingdom, causing an eternal winter. The sad thing is that with all my powers, I'm not the lead of my sister is. Anna, she is sent on a mission to stop me and my snow army. She's sweet, my sister, you know, as sister's go. She fights my snow army pretty well. But hey, if you got a magic fire sword from your father, I'm pretty sure just about anybody would be able to fight a snow army. I mean, without that sword she wouldn't have lasted as long as she has. And basically she chases me through the forest and into my palace. Once she defeats me, my castle is destroyed and she goes back home to a celebration and is knighted as Arendelle's greatest warrior. And I don't really get anything from, you know, freezing the kingdom except everyone hating me for doing my job. And, well, I've been doing this for thirty years now, and I've seen a lot of games that have come and gone. Kinda sad when I think of all those guys from places like Chicken Little. Shark Tale? Adios. A steady arcade gig like mine is nothing to mock, I'm lucky. It's just...when no one appreciates what you're doing it, it takes a toll on you."

The store owner, Stan Litwak, just closes the arcade down for the day, meaning it's Quitting Time for the characters.

On one of the games closest to the doors, Kung Fu Panda, watches the doors be locked and sees they're done for the day.

"All clear! The arcade's closed, guys!" Po shouts to the others.

At one of the other games, Marvel Combat, which is basically a fighting game that uses characters from a comic book series.

The two characters that were currently on screen were Spider-Man and Black Panther who were fighting before they suddenly stopped at hearing Po.

"Phew! What a day? You wanna head over to Turbo's for some Dos Bros Tacos?" Spider-Man asks Black Panther.

"I could go for some Mexican food." Black Panther agrees as they both leave the screen.


In Elsa's game, Princess Anna of Arendelle, Anna had just gotten back to her kingdom that has just been restored and they all heard the announcement.

"Quitting Time!" Anna cheers as she and the people all head back to their homes for some deserved rest.

Near the entrance of the kingdom, Elsa climbs out from under the rubble of her Ice Castle that her sister has spent the whole day destroying and she spent rebuilding for each game.

"I don't know...maybe if life was different after work, I wouldn't be feeling this down. I don't really have a bad relationship with my sister, but after 30 years, it could be better. Anna and the citizens of Arendelle go and celebrate their victory, celebrate her being knighted and being officially crowned Queen, you know still over 30 years of her being crowned. As they go to their homes, I go to mine."

Freeze it, ElsaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora