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Literally nodding off rn while typing this so sorry if this chapter is kinda all over the place or isn't as good as I usually write, I should just wait til later when I'm fully awake but I really wanna get this out.

I fell asleep mid-sentence a few times, especially towards the end so I apologize for any mistakes. If u see any, please point them out so I can correct them when I wake up.

Ok I can't keep my eyes open anymore lol

Good night/Morningggg my beautiful bbs! I love you guys ugg ys( ')ノ~

"Are you trying to make a robot?" Shinso asked.

"Yeah, something like that," Izuku yawned.

"Why do you need a robot?" Tokoyami asked.

Izuku rested an arm on his head, "Don't worry about that,"


"So where are you taking me?" Izuku questioned.

"Hatsume's cell, she's in here for destroying half of Tokyo with her robots," Shoji laughed "She's the one ya wanna meet,"


They reached a cell that had lots of loud banging as music played in the background, rhythmic humming accompanying the song playing. In the cell was a girl with a bandana tying her hair back as she repaired one of the worker bots. Shoji knocked to announce their presence and she finished tightening the robots wheel. After doing a little happy spin the robot rolled out of the cell and she wiped the sweat from her brow, standing to acknowledge the boys.

"What can I do for ya'?" She asked.

"One was looking for someone good with robots and I recommended you," Shoji told her.

"Ya' here to commission something?" She chugged a bottle of water.

"Head back, I'll come find you later," Izuku told them.

The boys left obediently, telling Hatsume bye as they left and Izuku leaned against her cell wall looking over her work.

"Can you make androids? Ones that look humanoid?" Izuku eyed her suspiciously.

She had a glint in her eye, "Can I?" She grinned "You're talking to one right now,"

"I knew something was off about you, your real bodies in solitary right?" Izuku crossed his arms.

"Yup yup,"

"I need one made asap, name a price, and I'll pay it and provide everything you need," Izuku told her.

"What can you get me? I ain't cheap," She sat down.

"There's nothing I can't give you,"

"Can you get me out of here?" She raised a brow.

"I can, will you do it?" He asked.

"Sure, I love a good project," She stood up and came over "But you know I am curious~"


"Why you're asking me so nicely, I'd expect someone like you to force me to do it even if I couldn't but you aren't. Why is that?"

"This Android is important to me, if I threatened you you wouldn't be able to work at your full strength or you could sabotage it out of spite," Izuku informed.

"I see~ alright tell me any specifications you have and after drawing up a rough draft and blueprint I'll show you and give you a list of materials I'll need," Hatsume started writing things down.

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