June (pt.1)

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Charlie poured his mum a cup of tea before he poured his and sat on the opposite side of the kitchen table.

He continuously knocked his knees together as he took a sip and his eyes peered over the cup to look at Jane.

"So," Charlie said as he sat his cup down. "How did all this happen?"

Jane gripped on to her cup and began to stare at her reflection in the tea.

"And please, tell me the truth. Even if you fabricate it, it won't stop me from already being seriously pissed off at you," Charlie added.

Jane took a deep breath. "It was around the time Oliver went to college when Julio and I became distant. I mean... the space was always there, but this time it was more noticeable to me. I spoke to one of your aunts about this, and she told me that sometimes she liked to chat with people on this app."

"A dating site?" Charlie asked.

"No," Jane said. "This one was more like a chatroom situation. That's when I met Lionel." She picked up her cup and took a sip of tea.

"Lionel is the guy you're seeing?"

"Yes," Jane said with a sad expression and a small smile. "We met in a group about gardening and answered a question on the same thread. After some back and forth, he private messaged me for more tips."

Charlie shook his head in confusion as he scooted his chair a bit closer. "How did it go from gardening to you sneaking around with this man?"

"He changed the subject one day. He would constantly ask me questions about gardening, till one day, he asked about me. He seemed to genuinely want to know about me. So, I told him and as the conversation grew, we realized we had more in common than we thought. This exchange happened for two more months, before he asked to meet with me publicly. I was hesitant at first, but he convinced me. When we finally met, it felt like we had known each other for ages. I really valued the friendship we had."

Charlie was surprised at what he was hearing. "You sound like a schoolgirl gushing over their crush," he scoffed. "He makes you that happy?"

"Yes," Jane said at a whisper.

"Happier than dad?"

She stayed quiet.

"Do you love him, mum?"

Jane sat her teacup down and reached out for Charlie's hand. "Please believe me when I say that I didn't mean for Lionel's and I's relationship to go this far."

"You're not answering my question. Do. You. Love. Him?"

"Yes, but this love I have for him isn't the same love that I have for your father."

Charlie couldn't help but scoff again as he took his hand from her grasp. "What the hell does that even mean?"

Jane couldn't think of anything to say that wouldn't set Charlie off. She leaned back in her chair and placed her hands around her cup.

"If you were having problems, why couldn't you just talk to dad? He would've listened."

"I don't think he would understand-" Jane started.

"Yes, he would," Charlie cut her off. "When something's wrong, he listens. He's not dismissive... Like some people I know."

Jane looked at Charlie with a shocked expression.

Charlie stood up and collected the cups to wash, snatching the second one from Jane's hand.

The short moment of silence felt like it was going on for ages as Charlie continuously rubbed the wash rag around the rim of the cup over and over again.

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