May (pt.2)

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Charlie dropped his hand from Oliver's shoulder and looked at him in shock. "Oliver, are you sure?"

Oliver nodded. "How could she do that to dad of all people? Dad's a very kind person."

"When did you find out?"

Oliver hummed to himself for a bit. "I think it was in April. Around the time of your anniversary?"

"Oliver, that's a pretty long time to keep a secret like this!" Charlie said. "And you were just going to keep this information to yourself?"

"No, I told mum to tell him, or I will," Oliver sighed as he twiddled his thumbs.

"She knows that you know?"


"How'd you find out?"

Oliver looked towards the house. "You know how I suck at maths. So, I've been going to dad for help 'cause he's good at it, ya' know? But that week, I left one of my books at the house and just decided to go get it myself when I was free since I still have my house key. I get there-" Oliver stopped.

Charlie squeezed Oliver's hand to reassure him.

Oliver took a deep breath trying his best to hold back his frustration, then continued. "I get there... and I see someone's car that I've never seen before parked out front, but I didn't put much thought into it. I went in and started looking for my book downstairs before I remembered that the last place we studied was my old room. I'm walking there before I hear sounds from mum and dads' room... like a lot of laughing. It's obviously her laugh, but then I hear another one and it's obviously not dad." He began to fidget with the bottom of his shirt. "I don't even think. I just open the door... and I see mum cuddling in bed with some man and he's wearing dad's dressing gown." He put his face in his hands. "I should've just minded my business. Why couldn't I just grab my book and go?"

"Oliver, this isn't your fault," Charlie reassured him. "Mum was the one doing something bad, not you."

Oliver looked at Charlie with tears staining his face. "But I feel so bad now for letting her be the one to tell dad. She's taking her sweet time to tell him while she's probably still seeing that man."

Charlie pulled his brother in for a hug. "If she doesn't come clean, I'll tell dad. You're way too young to be entangled in mum's mess."

Oliver looked up at Charlie. "You sure?"

Charlie responded with a nod.

"Should we tell Tori?"

"Absolutely not!" Charlie said immediately. This piece of news would wreck Tori. On top of her being pregnant, it'll cause harm to the baby as well. Which would probably make the middle part of his reoccurring dream a reality.

"But why?" Oliver asked. "No offense to you, but she's the more confrontational one," he laughed as he wiped his cheek.

Charlie playfully flicked him on the forehead. "Well, she's pregnant right now. The last thing she needs to be is stressed," Charlie explained, leaving out the dream part. "Let me handle this, okay?"

Oliver nodded.

Julio opened the door leading to the backyard. "Oliver, I'm ready!" he called out.

Oliver and Charlie stood up and walked towards the house. Everyone was at the entrance saying quick goodbyes.

"Make sure you call your father and tell him the news," Sarah told Nick.

Nick nodded. "Call me when you get home, okay?" he said as he hugged her.

Baby on Board! (A Heartstopper Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now