May (pt.1)

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"Pregnant?" Nick and Charlie asked in unison.

"I mean-I'm not a hundred percent sure," Tori said as she walked into the house, "But I'm a few days late and experiencing nausea, cravings and every other symptom."

"So, it's too early to tell?" Charlie asked.

"It's been three weeks since the insemination, so a pregnancy test can't pick it up right now. But I plan to make an appointment next week to confirm."

Nick and Charlie exchange looks with each other.

"What's going on?" Tori asked with a bit of concern in her voice.

"Well..." Nick started, "Charlie-"

"Is super excited for this!" Charlie interrupted. He walked up to his sister and gave her a hug. "I can't believe it," he said as he kept a stunned look.

Tori hugs him back and looks up at Nick who had a dumbfounded look on his face. "How are you feeling, Nick?"

"I-I-I-I mean... The pregnancy just happened so fast," Nick said trying not to sound too suspicious. "I mean, it's only been three weeks."

"I know!" Tori said rubbing her tummy. "They're eager to meet you two I guess."

Charlie looked over at Nick. "Looks like you carry Olympians, huh Nick?" he laughed.

"CHARLIE!" Nick shrieked as a blush spread across his face.

Charlie laughs at his husband's embarrassment before turning his attention back to his sister. "Is there anything you want me to make you?"

"I'd kill for something sweet right now."

"Tara brought puff puffs here not too long ago. You can snag some," Nick offered.

"That actually sounds nice."

"We'll meet you in the kitchen in a second. I need to speak to Charlie for a sec."

Tori nods before heading off to the kitchen. When she is finally out of earshot, Nick looks at Charlie ready to give him a piece of his mind.

"You're insane, aren't you?" Nick asked.

"You have no idea," Charlie mumbled.

"Charlie, you just told me you had second thoughts and now you're telling Tori you're excited. That's not okay."

"I know! I know!" Charlie said with a bit of stress in his voice.

Nick takes a deep breath, steps a bit closer to Charlie, and squeezes his shoulders. "We really need to talk when Tori leaves."

Charlie nods before they go to the kitchen to accompany Tori.

Charlie ruffled his hair with his towel as he walked into the bedroom.

Nick was typing something on his laptop before he looked up and saw Charlie coming in. He quickly finishes up what he was typing before stashing it away.

Charlie gently sat on the edge of his side of the bed and looked over at Nick and Nick returned the look back.

"Will you come closer?" Nick asked.


Nick sighs. "Charlie, I'm not mad, but I just really need to understand. Why tell Tori and I that you're okay with the surrogacy when you're not?"

It was Charlie's turn to sigh. "I thought I was at that moment."


"I don't know. It's just..." Charlie trailed off as he began to rub his hands together anxiously. "These ridiculous thoughts and this ridiculous recurring dream I keep having."

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