Chapter 37: Love

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Melissa's POV
I'm in love with Y/N...
Yeah, I know what you're thinking - the cold and strict teacher, being in love. But I just can't help it. Sure she's sometimes a bit mean to me and all that stuff, but I know it's only because she doesn't really know how to deal with her trauma and feelings. I really wanna help her get better. I wanna help her live. At least the way she deserves. I wanna love her like she deserves to be loved and I want her to feel safe and comfortable, 'cause I know she hasn't really felt that before...

I just wanna take care of her and help her feel comfortable in her own skin, to love herself the way she is, to love her body the way it was made.

"Mel, what are you thinking about? You're kinda zoned out." Y/N asked me as she looked up from my shoulder she was laying on just a second ago. We're currently watching an animated movie that she insisted on - who knew she loved animated movies so much - and I've been zoned out the whole time, thinking about her. "Umm I dunno, just stuff." I answered as I watched her squint her eyes at me suspiciously. "Hmm, right, right. Thank you for your answer, that I definitely learned a lot from." She said ironically. "Heyyy, shut up." I pushed her off of me with a laugh. "Oh. My. God. Do I see a blush Ms. Benoist?" She chuckled, teasing me. "No, definitely not." "Hmm, whatever you say Mel. Whatever you say." She put her head back on my shoulder snuggling her body into me as she pushed the soft blanket over her upper body - so cute. "So, what have you been thinking about? And don't say nothing." I sighed. "Honestly, you." I gave her a short answer, receiving raised eyebrows in return. "Oh. And what about me?" Should I tell her? Don't be a fucking coward Melissa! You're not a coward. Tell her!  I told myself.

"I umm, I love you Y/N." I said quietly after a bit of silence. She suddenly turned to face me with an expression I couldn't quite put my finger on, but there was kind of like a sparkle in her eye, making me hopeful. "I love you too Mel." She smiled and my heart melted at her words. I couldn't help but kiss her, feeling like the luckiest person in the whole fucking universe.

After a bit we separated from the kiss, smiles remaining on our faces. "I don't get it though. How can you love? How can you love somebody as broken as me Mel? I have so many problems and I don't even know who I am anymore." She stated sadly, looking down at her hands that she was anxiously playing with. I took her hands into mine as an attempt to comfort her and to stop her from playing with her hands. "Angel... I love you the way you are. I love all of you. I love your Y/E/C eyes, I love your cute smile, I love your body. I love how you get really shy sometimes, I love the way you talk. I just love you Y/N. And sure you might be broken from all the trauma that you've experienced, but I'm here to help you baby. I wanna help you get through all the bad shit, you're not alone anymore Y/N. You have me now and you have Chyler and we love you so so much. I'm here for you always. You can tell me anything, I won't ever hurt you, I will love you the way you deserve and show you, that there's also good in the world. I wanna help you experience the good stuff and I'm gonna give you all the love I have in my body. I'm gonna be here for you when you're happy, I'm gonna be here for you when you're sad, I'm gonna hold you and I'm never gonna let you go princess." I saw tears rolling down her cheeks as she smiled, looking into my eyes. "Fuck Mel, I don't deserve you." She stated as she wiped some tears away. I took her face into my hands as I pecked her soft lips. "You deserve the world angel." She hugged me tightly as she sobbed into my shoulder. "I love you Mel." She wispered, still hugging me. I held her tightly, rubbing her back with my hand. "Shhh baby it's okay. I love you."

"There's still so much that you don't know about me Mel. I have a lot of problems." She looked at me still being on my lap with her hands around my neck. "It's okay Y/N, we're gonna get through all of them together okay?" I said to her as I put my index finger under her chin, making her look up at me. "Okay. Thank you Mel, for everything. I mean it." "You don't have to thank me princess, it's nothing." I pecked her lips. "No, it's not nothing." She furrowed her eyebrows. "No one has ever done that for me. I've never had anyone like you before Mel." She looked into my eyes. "Well now you do."

"Come on Angel, let's get you to bed." I said to my almost sleeping girlfriend. She looks so cute right now though. All snuggled up on the couch laying with her plushie that she found and hasn't left it's side since. "But Melll. I don't wannaaa." She whined like a little baby. When I met her she was so cold and almost emotionless and just tough, but now that I got to know her, she's such a little baby. I mean what if- no, she can't be...

"Come on, get up. I won't repeat myself Y/N." I raised my eyebrow strictly, letting her know I wasn't playing. "Ugh, okayyy. God. I'm coming Melissa." She got up, taking Oreo with her - that's what she named her plushie. "Hey, don't get an attitude with me princess." "Or what?" She got close to me looking into my eyes. Such a little brat. "Or I'm gonna spank that ass of yours." I whispered into her ear, feeling her shudder under me. She cleared her throat all flushed and red.

"Let's go to bed angel. Do you wanna sleep with me today?" I said whilst walking up the stairs into my bedroom with Y/N right behind me. "Yes please." She said shyly, hiding behind her newly found plushie. "Look at you. So cute and you even said please. Such a good girl." I put some hairs behind her ear, watching her blush even more. I chuckled at her, finding it adorable, the way she turns into a little baby with just a few words. I took her hand and walked her to the bed, where she flopped on it with a groan. I took my rings off and put them on my beside table before laying right next to her, feeling her cuddle into me. "Goodnight princess." I said, kissing her forehead. "Night night Mel." She said sleepily, before drifting off.

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