Chapter 2: Detention

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After about 5 minutes she came back with a stack of papers and sat at her desk. I was sitting at the back, because I didn't want to be too close to her, 'cause who'd wanna sit right in front of a teacher? Not me. She was just sitting there doing something on her laptop, so I started doodling some random shit.

30 minutes went by and I started to get bored. After a while she slammed her laptop shut, startling me with the sudden loud noise. "Could you please come sit at the front?" Ms. Benoist asked with her strict voice, that I was starting to get really scared of. "Why?" Right when I said that I regretted saying it. "Because I said so, now come sit at the front I won't say. it. again." Shit, she's intimidating, she's not like any other teacher I know. I quickly stood up and went to sit where she told me to. She was watching me the whole time I was walking with a smirk on her face, that I so badly wanted to wipe of her beautiful face.

She gave me a paper and a pen and I just looked at her with confusion written all over my face. "As your punishment you will write 'I won't sleep in class ever again and I will pay attention' one hundred times." I looked at her wide eyed. Is she fucking serious? "But-" "Do you want to make that two hundred?" She asked with her perfect eyebrow raised. I just shook my head saying "No, I don't."
"Good, now start." This is going to be so fucking boring!!!

When I was finally done I stood up and gave her the paper. She just looked at it and said. "Good." Is she serious? "Are you fucking serious right now? I just wrote the same fucking sentence one hundred times and all you say is 'good'?" I said raising my voice a bit, getting annoyed. I mean she could've been a bit more... I dunno... happy that I did what she asked me to? She stood up with anger written all over her face. "Language and don't raise your voice at me." " Bitch" I muttered with a roll of my eyes thinking she didn't hear me. "What did you just say to me?" She grabbed my wrist and squeezed a little and I tried my hardest not to flinch, because my wrist hurt from my father's beating that took place last night, but failed. "Does your wrist hurt Y/N? Did I hurt you?" She dropped my hand and asked with worry in her voice, 'cause she didn't squeeze that hard. "Y-yeah, you squeezed it. I-it just hurt a bit, but it's all good." I said without looking into her eyes. "I didn't squeeze that hard, so don't even try lying to me." Fuck I have to make an excuse real fast! "I-I f-fell..." "Where?" "O-on the s-stairs." I said with my head down. I don't know why I keep stuttering. "And you think I believe that?" Ms. Benoist asked with her eyebrow raised. Shit. "I don't care what you believe and what you don't and why do you even care?" I rolled my eyes at her avoiding eye contact. "First of all don't roll your eyes at me and second I care, because you're my student." She said with a worried face. "Whatever." I said and tried walking away. "Wait Y/N." She called after me, but I kept walking. "I really have to go home, bye Ms. Benoist."

Home. Fuck I needed to get home fast or my father will kill me. So, I ran all the way home hoping that my father wouldn't notice and hoping I wouldn't be in trouble.

When I got home I quietly opened the door and walked inside. I tried going upstairs into my room, but my father got to me before I could even put my foot on the first stair. He threw me on the floor and I started coughing, because I fell on my back. "WHERE HAVE YOU FUCKING BEEN?!?" He screamed at me and I could smell the alcohol from his mouth, indicating that he was drunk again. "I was at school." I said, but he knows when I finish school every day. "DON'T FUCKING LIE TO ME SLUT." He said and started punching me in the stomach. I was crying and coughing, because it hurt so much. With every punch came an insulting word. I couldn't stop crying - it hurt too much. Why can't I fight back? It's pointless anyways... Then he punched me in the face. Fuck. That will be hard to cover up. "P-please dad stop, i-it really h-hurts." I cried. "SHUT UP YOU WORTHLESS FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT!" I started blacking out at this point, so I let the darkness consume me.

When I woke up it was already dark outside. I slowly stood up and flinched, because my whole body hurt. I saw my dad passed out on the couch, so I quietly and slowly walked to my room and went to bed.

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