Chapter 10: Why me?!

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My last lesson ended, but I still had detention with Ms. Benoist. Fucking great! We're like a month in and this is already my second detention.

I was standing in front of the classroom door and knocked. "Come in." I heard from behind the door, so I opened it and walked in. "Wow, you're actually on time for once." Ms. Benoist sarcasticly said. "Haha, very funny." I fake smiled at her.

I was going to sit at the back like I normally would, but she stopped me with her beautiful voice. "Come sit at the front." She demanded like I was her fucking pet. It kind of reminded me of that dream. She was so demanding and sexy and just ughhh! "Why can't I just sit at the back?" I kind of regreted saying that, 'cause when I said that she looked up at me from her desk with her eyebrow raised, which was very sexy may I add, I think I was getting scared again. I gulped. "Because I said so! And I won't say it again!" Why does she have to be like this? "Whatever." I rolled my eyes at her which I regreted as well. "I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking." I quickly said, before she could say or do anything. She just looked at me and waited for me to sit at the front. "So, here's your paper and you will write 'I will pay attention and won't roll my eyes at anyone ever agan' one hundred times." Not againnn! "What is it with you and writing lines?" I asked her, because I was actually kinda curious since no other teacher makes you do this kind of stuff. "Don't questin me and just do IT." I just groaned louldly at that, because I did not want to write that sentence one hundred fucking TIMES! "Do you wanna make it two hundred?" She raised her eyebrows at me and I just sighed. "No, Ms. Benoist."

I was finally fucking done and boy did my hand hurt. So I put my pen down, stood up and passed my paper to Ms. Benoist who was doing something on her laptop. "I'm finished Ms. Benoist." I stated proudly. After a few seconds she loudly shut her laptop and I jumped a little from the sudden noise. "Scared much?" She smirked. Oh just wait for my comeback. "Oh, bitchy and annoying much?" I smartly said with a smirk. "Haha very funny Y/L/N." Sarcastic much? I just fake smiled at that and made sure she new it was a fake one. "Hey umm, can we talk?" She asked me with her now soft voice. "Yeah sure. What about?" I mean, what would she want to talk about? I hope she doesn't want to ask about those bruises. "Just, are you okay?" Well, this is getting weird. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" She looked me in the eyes and sighed. "Y/N... Who gave you those bruises?" Oh my fucking god. What do I tell her? Well, you know just my amazing father who I love so much. "I told you what happened Ms. Benoist. And I'm just a very clumsy person so I'm fine!" I answered avoiding eye contact. "Oh really?! Then roll up your sleeves or show me your arms and your stomach!" Shit, shit , shit, shit, shit. What do I do? Should I run? Should I stay? Fuck! I don't know!
I quickly stood up and tried to make a run for it, but Ms. Benoist is so fucking fast! She roughly grabbed my wrist and backed me up against a wall. Good thing I cut myself a bit higher. I thought. "You think I'm stupid little girl?" She was so close to me and suddenly I remembered the dream. I closed my eyes for a moment, trying to compose myself. When I opened my eyes she was so close to me. I gulped and tried to look everywhere, but into her eyes. "Look at me." She said with her strict scary voice. I am so fucked right now. When I didn't look at her she softly grasped my chin with her soft fingers and made me look at her. She is so fucking close to me. "Please let me go." I pleaded her. "I like it when you beg. I'm not going to let you go until you do what I told you to do." How do I get myself out of this? Fuckkk! I clenched my jaw and tried to get away, but her grip was strong. "Don't fight me little girl." She said while trying to hold me against the wall. "I am not a little girl." "But you are." She looked down at me. Now that she was holding me she was even closer. I looked down at her lips and bit my bottom one and when I looked back up I saw her looking at my lips. She placed her mouth near my right ear and whispered seductively: "Don't bite your lip so hard babygirl you're going to make it bleed and we wouldn't want that, would we?" I just shook my head embarrassed that she caught me biting my lip. "Use your words Y/N." "N-no Ms. Benoist." She just smirked at me satisfied.

We were holding eye contact for what felt like hours and I couldn't get enough of her ocean eyes that could light up the whole universe. Then she started to lean closer and so did I. Now we were only inches apart until she closed the gap between us.

When her soft lips touched mine I was in fucking heaven. I had goosebumps and butterflies everywhere and I just thought: What's happening to me? Am I dead? What am I doing? Then I felt her hands trail up my stomach and lift my shirt a bit. I furrowed my eyebrows and moaned at the feeling of her soft hands on my skin. Few seconds later she separated her lips from mine, her hands still on my waist holding up my t-shirt. She looked down at my stomach and her eyes widened. "Oh my god Y/N! What happened to you." I looked down, oh fuck I forgot about my bruised ribs! Fuck! Wait... Did she just kiss me, because she wanted to see my stomach? I took a step back. "Did you kiss me just because you wanted to see my stomach?!" I questioned her. Right after I said that she looked at me, guilt written all over her face. "Are you fucking kidding me? You are such a fucking bitch, you know that?!" "Don't you dare fucking curse at me Y/N!" She shouted back pointing a finger at me. "You know, I was actually trying to trust you, but I guess you're just like everyone else." I started to tear up. How could she even do this to me? "I'm sorry." She looked down. "Oh, so now you're sorry, fucking great Ms. Benoist! This isn't even any of your fucking buisness, I'm just your student!" By now I was crying, I just couldn't hold it in. "I'm just trying to help you Y/N, why can't you understand that?!" She tried to hold my hand, but I flinched away. "You know what? Fuck you Ms. Benoist!" I ran out the door as fast as I could. Why do people always have to hurt me? And I was actually starting to like her. But that kiss felt so good though. Oh my fucking god! WHY ME?!

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