Chapter 25: Girlfriend

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I woke up to someone shaking my body. I groaned without opening my eyes. "Good morning sleepyhead." A voice said above me. Then I remembered where I was. My eyes opened wide and I saw that I was laying on top of Melissa with my head on her chest. "I-I'm sorry." I apologized getting off of her. "No, it's okay. You can stay. Come here." She motioned for me to lay back down on her chest so I did. I listened to her heartbeat and sighed at the calming rate. I could stay here forever. I looked up at her and she was smiling down at me. "What?" I asked also smiling. "Nothing. I just... I'm really happy that you're here." She kept smiling at me and at this exact moment I thought I was the luckiest person on this planet. "Me too. Anyway, why did you wake me up?" I asked her while playing with her fingers. She has the softest sexiest hands ever. "Because, we have to get to school in like an hour, so we should get up." No! School. God, I hate school. The only thing I love about school is, I get to spend time with Melissa. "Okay, well I'm gonna go take a shower, if that's okay?" I said, getting out of bed, leaving Melissa pouting. I smiled at her. Never in my whole life have I thought that she could be so sweet and cute. "Yeah, that's totally fine. Feel free to do anything you want." I nodded and walked out.

After my shower I got dressed in some jeans and a shirt with long sleeves that would go with it and my docs of course. These boots are literally my life. I walked downstairs after preparing my bookbag and sat on the couch. Meanwhile Melissa was in the kitchen making breakfast for herself. She walked to the living room. "What do you want for breakfast?" She asked me, I suddenly felt nervous, because I don't really eat and I don't like food and I just can't eat it. "I-I'm not hungry." I answered looking down the whole time. "Are you sure? You should eat something." She squatted in front of me and lifted my head so I could look at her. "Yes, I'm sure." She squinted her eyes at me. "Why is it that I never see you in the cafeteria?" Shit, what do I say? Think Y/N, come on. "Um, b-because I eat somewhere e-else." She raised her eyebrows at me. She definitely knows something's up. "Oh? Really?" I hummed. "I-I forgot my sketchbook upstairs. I s-should go get it." I quickly stood up and walked to my room. I obviously didn't forget my sketchbook, but I had to get out of there somehow. I would never ever forget my baby.

The way to school was very quiet, except for the music playing. "Hey Melissa?" I said to get her attention. "Hmm?" "What are we?" I asked, finding the silence as a good opportunity. She looked at me for a moment, before looking back at the road. "I don't know. What do you want us to be?" She answered with. "Come on, I asked you first." I whined. She laughed at me. "Don't whine and I already told you that I really like you and that I really want to try this." She stopped at the traffic lights and looked at me, taking my hand in hers. "Like dating you mean?" I asked just to be sure. She hummed in response. "Well then I really wanna try this too, but I'm not good at it." She lauged at me before answering. "You don't have to be good at it, don't worry. So, will you be my girlfriend?" She asked me confidently. "Yes." I smiled and kissed her. The lights went green so we seperated and drove off. She put her hand on my thigh and I felt all the butterflies in my tummy.

Once we arrived to school, she dropped me off around a corner so nobody would see us getting out of the same car.

During Art class Melissa and I shared a few glances and I actually paid attention a bit. The bell rang and everyone started to get ouf of class. I packed my bag and went to walk out, but before I could a voice stopped me. "Ms. Y/L/N stay after class." She ordered me staying at her desk going through some papers. "Yes, Ms. Benoist?" I innocently asked while walking to her. She put her hand on my neck and pulled me closer to her connecting our lips in a heated kiss. I put my hands around her waist while she kept kissing me. She took my bottom lip in-between her teeth and pulled on it making me moan. "You like that babygirl?" I nodded getting turned on by her seductive voice. "Words." She demanded. "Yes Ms. Benoist." She smiled in satisfaction and pecked my lips one more time. "You should get to class. We wouldn't want you to be late now, would we?" She raised her eyebrow, waiting for my answer. "No ma'am."

After school Melissa picked me up at the corner she dropped me off this morning and drove to her house.

When we got to Mel's house I walked to my room to get dressed into something more comfortable like my sweatpants and hoodie. Then I took my sketchbook along with my headphones and walked downstairs into the living room where I sat on the floor in front of the coffee table so I could draw something.

"What are you going to draw?" Melissa asked me walking into the living room. "I don't really know yet." I shrugged my shoulders. "Can I see some of your drawings?" She hopefully asked me. I looked at her unsure. "Please?" I sighed. "Fine, but don't judge. I know it's not great, so don't say anything." She smiled in satisfaction and I handed her my sketchbook. She went through all of it not saying a word, just looking at it. I tried to read her expression, but failed miserably. I frowned. "Wow." She finally said. "This is really good Y/N. You're like... really talented." She handed me back my sketchbook. "I highly doubt that, but thanks." She sighed taking my hand and kissed it gently. "I mean it. Although you could try drawing something more happy." She suggested and I rolled my eyes. "Don't roll your eyes at me Y/N. How many times do I have to say it?" She can be so strict sometimes. It's really sexy though. I looked down apologizing. "Anyways let me draw now." She walked away leaving me alone.

"Y/N! Come here!" Melissa called from the kitchen. "Yeah?" I said when I got to her. "What do you want for dinner?" "I'm not hungry." I tried walking away, but she caught my forearm and I flinched a bit, because of my cuts, I don't think she noticed though. "Y/N, you haven't eaten anything today. And don't lie to me, I know you don't go to lunch at school." I gulped. Fuck! How do I get out of this?

"Will you try to eat at least a little bit? Please?" I sighed. "Okay, I'll try, but I'm not making any promises."

"Okay take a bite. Come on. Do I have to feed you?" "No you don't. I can do it myself." I felt the tears gather around the corners of my eyes. I can't do it. I put the fork with the pasta to my mouth and tried taking a bite, but I just couldn't. "I-I can't." I shook my head putting the fork down. She sighed. "It's okay Y/N. You can do it. Just a few bites." I shook my leg nervously under the table and I guess she felt it, because she put her hand on my thigh. That made me feel better. I put the food in my mouth and chewed. The tears slowly fell down my cheeks, but I kept going. After a few bites I ran to the bathroom and threw up. I just couldn't hold it in. Mel came running behind me holding my hair and rubbing my back. "It's okay." She comforted me.

After I brushed my teeth I told Mel that I'm going to bed after I take a shower, so that's what I did.

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