∘✧ 3. Consequences ✧∘

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The next day, Jasmina walked through the dense forest, carrying her large bags full of things necessary for the trip.

After some time, she reached the place she was impatiently waiting for. In front of her stood a cave all covered in pink and yellow flowers that were illuminated by the sun. It was an unusual sight since she was still in such a dense part of the forest.

Venezia walked through less dense forest parts, trying not to stray from the path. She wanted to check where she was, but then she remembered the map was with Jasmina. She realized she was lost, again. She didn't want to panic, so she sat down next to a thick, sturdy tree and waited. So much for the promise now that she managed to get lost.

During that time, Jasmina went deeper and deeper into the cave. She was becoming little nervous, but she still had to find what she came for. Now she began to imagine how the people in the village would appreciate her for her bravery. First, she imagined how they would build her a statue at the moment when she broke the Blue Mirror. Then she imagined tons of money that would "fall from the sky" only to her house. All those unrealistic thoughts were interrupted by the sight she saw.

Suddenly, something shone so brightly that Jasmina knew her moment of glory had arrived. On a large smooth stone in the hollow lay the Blue Mirror. Jasmina could not believe her eyes. She stared at the mirror for a long time, but then she remembered the reason she came here - to destroy it. Taking it carefully, she looked at its surface. She saw nothing, only bluish, shining glass with no reflection.

She swung rapidly and smashed it against a rock. She was overjoyed until she noticed something. An unusually thick black mist began to form around the remains of the mirror, covering everything it came across. When it slowly disappeared, a tall woman with dark green hair and a narrow face stood in front of Jasmina, gazing at her with her red eyes. She wore a tight dark green-grey dress with a gray collar and decorative ribbons.

Jasmina shook. She didn't know what just happened, she didn't know who appeared in front of her and what she wanted from her. She took a deep breath and started the conversation.

"W-who are you?" Jasmina stammered.

"Hm ... didn't they already tell you about me?" questioned a woman with an infamous appearance, fixing her hair.

"I mean ... they didn't tell me about any black fog, let alone about you."

"Well, I can only thank you now." Her red eyes were directed at Jasmina. "You freed me from this mirror."

Jasmina could not believe it. She knew what had happened, but did not know how to react.

"I-I know who you are ... you're Kasandra Gerenz!" She pointed her finger at the frightening woman.

"See, I told you you'd know!" She smiled eerily. "It seems that I haven't been forgotten. As you already know, my plans to take over Blue Village have been delayed a bit, but now, I can finally proceed. This is going to be exciting!" She exclaimed, clenching her fists. "But this time, I don't have to go alone. I could use a loyal co-worker, don't you think? But tell me, do you want to take over Ble Village with me?"

Jasmina stood transfixed, not knowing what she had actually done. She looked Kasandra directly in the eyes.

"Actually ... I didn't come here to set you free, but to destroy you!"

"E-excuse me?! Then why did you break the mirror?" Kasandra wondered, all confused.

"I thought that I'd destroy you if I broke the mirror ... I thought I'd become a heroine ..."

Kassandra grinned. "You're not a very smart one, aren't you? If I could've been destroyed, someone would've done it a long time ago."

At that moment, Jasmina decided to pretend to be brave, thinking that this was the only way to get out of this situation.

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