∘✧ 4. Her First Move ✧∘

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Venezia was walking through the forest. Although she seemed firm that day, she was very much worried. She was worried about her mother, who had gone to look for Kassandra, and because of her concern, she could barely think about anything else.

Right now, all the bad things that could happen to her were on her mind, and then she realized she shouldn't bother with it too much. She started thinking positively, at least trying.

During that time, Zela was with Miranda.

"Do you really think it's a good idea to have a team led by Venezia? Yeah, I get it, she's the future ruler or whatever, but if we let her make the decisions, Kasandra will kill us all with one swing of that damned scepter," Zela spoke, flipping through a book from Miranda's library.

"You know, you have to give everyone at least one chance," Miranda told her off, putting the books on the shelves. "Who knows, maybe she really knows how to be a leader."

"Miranda, that girl got lost in her own village, she couldn't get up from the floor until I gave her a hand, and I can bet she's not even worthy of my little finger, let alone be a leader of a team."

"I think you're overexaggerating. She needs some practice, that's all."

Zela still thought she was right, and then someone knocked on the door. There stood an unknown man who came to borrow a book from Miranda's library.

He entered calmly but was shaken when he saw Zela. She noticed it immediately and decided to provoke him a little.

"Hello." She waved at the unknown man, laughing evilly.

The man screamed and ran out of the library mindlessly. Zela just started laughing loudly.

"Well done! You just drove my guest away," Miranda complained annoyedly.

Zela casually leaned back on the chair.  "I'm just messing with ya. Calm down. He was too wretched to borrow a book anyway. Before he could take it, it would've hit him in the head."

"Ha, ha, ha ... Very funny," Miranda spoke in a sarcastic tone. "Anyway, I wonder when will Ferdinand come up with something that'll help Venezia in the fight against Kasandra."

"If she tries to fight, she'll either die, or I'll have to pull her out of the mess she's gotten herself into."

"Come on, Zela, you're acting like you're not even participating in this conversation."

"I am, I am," Zela retorted, going to put that book back on the shelf.

Suddenly, Ferdinand burst into Miranda's house through the door while carrying a large box.

"Great, what kind of nonsense have you brought now?" Zela asked, looking at the box.

"This isn't nonsense, but an old knight's armor that I enchanted. It'll protect Venezia from Kasandra's cruelest spells. But, well, I didn't have the ingredients for most of them. Basically, what do you think?" asked Ferdinand, showing the armor from one side and the other.

Miranda approached Ferdinand to get a better look at the armor. She took it in her hands.

"Ah, it's really heavy. How will anyone be able to wear this?" Miranda asked, barely holding the old heavy armor.

"You're dramatizing. No armor is that heavy," retorted Zela and took the armor from her hands.

"So, is it heavy?" Miranda asked her, knowing that Zela was wrong.

"Fine, you were right. This armor is too heavy," Zela dropped it on the floor.

"Someone was wrong, and we saw it in front of us," Ferdinand began to provoke Zela.

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