Chapter 12: The illness

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He slowly close his eyes and opened his mouth, trying to contain the smile that was still present on his face. At that moment I could feel the butterflies. The butterflies I'd had in my stomach when I kissed him that time, or the ones at the party when he started saying whatever came into his head. Butterflies I'd never felt for anyone but him. It was as if I could feel my heart resonating throughout my body. Like it was trying to find a way to escape.


He reopened his eyes and questioned me with his gaze. I stood still, admiring every feature of his face. But, without thinking about it, the spoon fell from my hand and landed in the bowl below, making a noise loud enough to snap me out of my thoughts.

-Uh, sorry I was just...

I didn't bother to finish my sentence and took the spoon and put it directly into Tweek's mouth, trying to hide my face with my arm. That was so damn embarassing. Why did I have to always act like that around him. One day, he was going to start thinking I was weird.

I took the spoon out of his mouth to let him swallow the soup. I repeated the action several times, avoiding eye contact with him as much as possible. He seemed happy that I was feeding him, which was something we never did. He took his medicine and swallowed it, thanks to the glass of water I'd brought him a few minutes earlier.

-Thanks a lot, Craig.
-That's alright. I'll come tomorrow too.
-You know, you don't have to-
-I'm worried about you. I'll come every day, until you get better.
-But won't your parents mind you spending so much time here? What about Wendy?

I frowned in incomprehension. He looked at me with a rather melancholy expression.

-What's she got to do with it?
-I thought, she was your...uh...
-Girlfriend, maybe? You became close all of a sudden. She laughed, it was as if you'd been friends for years. Plus, she broke up with Stan so I thought-
-No, no, no, Tweek. I don't know where you got that idea, but it's nothing like that.

Wendy told me not to talk about it with anyone, but I absolutely had to clear things up with Tweek. I didn't want him to think I was in love with anyone but him.

-Remember when I told you I was going to ask my parents for a tutor?
-Don't tell me she's your...?
-Yeah, she's my tutor.
-HER!? Why her?
-I don't know, it's my parents' choice.

He frowned and crossed his arms, leaning on his bed.

-But I don't like her in this way. I don't even like her.
-Why didn't you tell me she was your tutor?
-She wanted to keep it a secret so the girls wouldn't find out and there wouldn't be any silly rumors about us, I guess.

We chatted for a few more minutes before I stood up to wave goodbye to Tweek. He looked better than when I arrived. It was reassuring.

-Goodbye, Craig. Thanks again for taking such good care of Tweek.
-It's nothing, really.

I stepped out of Tweek's house and a cold wind came crashing down on my face. At the same time it felt good to get some fresh air, but I felt all the warmth of Tweek as if it were disappearing from my body. I continued on through the snow to my house, just a few minutes' walk from Tweek's. I entered my house and faced Wendy directly with an angry expression.

-Where have you been? I've been waiting for you since more than 30 minutes.
-I had to make a little detour.

We went up to my room and she closed the door, while I set up the little table. We started trying math problems, but I couldn't concentrate. No matter how she explained it to me, I couldn't retain what she was saying.

-Did you go see Tweek?
-How did you...
-He wasn't there today. And everyone knows how close you two are.

I nodded, confirming the question she'd asked.

-And you can't concentrate because of him I guess.

My cheeks began to blush slightly.

-That's not-
-Don't deny it. What's that face you're making-

She opened her eyes wide as if she'd just discovered the most incredible thing in her life.

-Nooo, don't tell me... Impossible!
-You're in love with Tweek!?
-Where do you draw this conclusion from!?
-You protect him, you hold his hand, you're so lovey-dovey. You're blushing so hard, it's obvious!
-Can we just go back to math?
-Not if you don't concentrate. Do you admit it?

She gave me a big smile with an insistent look.

-Yeah, I love him. That's it, happy?
-How cute. Let's make a deal, if you help me with Stan, then I help you with Tweek.
-I don't wanna make a deal with you.
-Think about it. Meanwhile, let's get on with the math.

I had to admit, I was much more focused than before thanks to our conversation. We continued doing math problems for an hour before letting go and just chatting about our lives.

-We have a math test tomorrow, so you'd better pass.
-Yeah, yeah. By the way, why did you become a tutor?
-Well, I have a bad habit of spending all my pocket money when I go out with the girls. I needed a fairly simple job, so there you go.
-I see. Let me ask you something. Weren't you the one who wanted to break up with Stan?
-Basically yeah, that was me.
-So why do you want to get back together with him?
-I told you, I love him. Sometimes I get a little jealous and that leads to awkard situations between us. We just had an argument, and I think I came on a little strong. But I'm determined to get him back. Anyway, it's already dark outside, I think I'll go back to my place. Bye.

She picked up her belongings and slung her bag over her shoulders as she headed to the door. Wendy waved at me as she left my room. I waited a few minutes before my door suddenly opened, revealing my father with an angry expression.

-How can you keep a girl like that waiting for more than 30 minutes? Don't ever be late again. Be exemplary.
-Dad, she's already-

He closed the door violently, not letting me finish my sentence. I sighed as I lay down on my bed. I thought back to the deal she'd proposed. I was never going to accept it. Letting her get tangled up in my relationship with Tweek was the riskiest thing. At that moment, I remembered what Clyde said to me a few days ago. "One of you has to make the first move or you'll be stuck like that forever." Maybe he was right. I needed to make the first move.

But I still didn't need help, not from Clyde, not from Wendy, not from anyone.


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