Part 42: Havoc

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How dare she! How dare she take off something so precious to him! She knew about its emotional value.

While staring at it, sunken in his anger and all the frustration in him, he suddenly hears Anya's muffled moans.

"Fuck..." he breathes, and his body trembles. Every inch of him wants to storm in there and rip that son of a bitch away from her, but before he can do anything stupid, he slams the necklace back on the counter and jumps away.

Without a set destination, he jumps randomly, pinging like a pinball from one place to another—bars, clubs, casinos, restaurants—looking for something, anything he can let his anger out on. But he never remains longer than a few seconds before realizing this isn't where he needs to be. He jumps again and finds himself standing in a fancy penthouse living room.

"Well, good evening, Changkyun!"

The demon turns his head and takes a moment to recognize Magnus lounging on the couch in the dim light of the room. Kyun has no idea why his subconscious brought him here. But anywhere is better than her house right now...

"To what do I owe the honor of a visit at this hour?" The warlock smiles and his yellow cat eyes light up.

Kyun ignores his question. Maybe not anywhere is better than her house at the moment...

"Where's Alec?"

"On the hunt..." With a pensive gaze, Magnus studies the whiskey glass in his hand. "It's crazy how fast you can get used to someone. I'm over 400 years old and god knows I've loved hard before. But I've been alone more often than I was with someone... and now? Four years with Alec and I can't fall asleep without him anymore..."

He takes a sip from his glass and Kyun grimaces. Being this addicted to another person is so pathetic. Magnus hasn't always been like this. He was...more outgoing. He never was a child of sadness, lived his life to the fullest. No one could ever resist him; every creature, human or not, has always been completely mesmerized by him. But Alec changed him. In a way Kyun never thought was possible. He had no idea how much Magnus was longing to settle down, be with someone...

Kyun doesn't get how Magnus can live like that, knowing he will outlive his husband, knowing he will watch him die as an old man. The time Magnus will spend with Alec represents only a tiny fraction of the time he's already lived, and an even tinier fraction of how much longer he will live without him. Kyun doesn't understand how someone could choose this kind of tragedy for themselves.

And at the same time, he would sell his doomed soul once again just to witness this kind of love for himself.

"So?" Magnus says, scrutinizing the demon with a frown. "Wow! Why are you so angry? More than usual..."

Kyun hates how well Magnus can read him. "Don't wanna talk about it!"

There's a beat of silence.

"Then we won't." Magnus takes another sip. "How are things with your babygirl?"

Kyun groans. "I said I don't wanna talk about it!"

Magnus raises his eyebrows and Kyun realizes this question was only a conversation starter. But he gave himself away.

Damn it.

"What's up?"

"Nothing..." Kyun shrugs while walking around the living room, looking at the relics of Magnus' life. Stuff so old that it's almost ridiculous to keep them. "I've fucked her..."

He has no idea why he's telling Magnus that. It's not that it's a huge achievement considering his impact on her.

"Is that so?" his friend replies with a smirk on his face. "So you finally decided to go back to her after avoiding her for—how long? Three weeks?"

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