Part 1

36 1 3

A blind gift
Xvirus x reader

Chap 1

I stare down at the dark floor of a small room I watch as a dark figure entered and placed food just out of my reach I growled but he only laughed.

"Don't worry we have a buyer" I gulped and sighed

How did I end up getting sold? Well let me tell you.

I am y/n about 20 years old and this is how I got onto the (market name)

I hum as I get to the check out after I checked out I got into my car and drove away back to my apartment.

I looked at behind my car to see a shady car following me I knew who it was so I picked up speed as soon as I got to the apartment door I slammed it open just to see the horror in my eyes.

My parents and sibling were dead tears fall down my face.

How did I get people to track me down?

Well I was born blind but I was able to see perfectly fine.

As a cloth wrapped around my mouth I knew what it was I tried not to breath but I had to and I failed myself as I drifted into deep sleep

And that's how I was in this dark room and it's been about 2 months.

I reopen my eyes to see the dark figure talking to someone else.

The dark figure grabbed my collar and chain and all I could do was allow it.

The dark figure put the chain on the collar then the collar on my neck he then handed it to the other man.

"Now money"

"No" the figure pulled out a gun and shot the dark figure all I could was close my eyes I hate blood and violence.

"No no you must watch my subject this is your fault " I gulped as I reopened my eyes and stared at the body.

The figure was clearly male by his voice but I had no more time to examine the man as he must of figured I was examining him because he started dragging me away.

"You got her x?" The figure nodded to a other figure then somehow we appeared in what seemed to be a apartment.

"This is not the place we will stay for ever just until I get 'ungrounded' by slender" I tilted my head but I paid no attention I was thrown into a room that had nothing but walls and a pole that was clearly for me to be tied up to.

"Just umm do what humans do" the door slammed and I tried to roll my eyes but failed.

(1 day later)

A whole day this person left me for a WHOLE DAY.

"HEY PERSON I AM LONELY" I heard a growl and tried to suck up my anger.

The figure never went into the light but he grabbed me and pulled me closed to him.

His breath was cold and it came out of his mask that some green outline.

"Blocking your fear from me?"

I just glare at him smirking.

I heard him growl at me but then it stopped as I watched his hand pull something out.

It was a needle and it had some kind of green thing in it.

I watched him trying to struggle out hiss grip he grabbed me tighter.

He inserted it into my arm then dropped me.

I put my other hand over it and growled.

I screamed at the top my lungs making the figure turn to me in utter rage.

He grabbed me and I was Knocked out.

I reopened my eyes blinking at least 10 times.

"Your awake finally"

"What did you do.."

"Look at your fingers~"

My eyes widened as I stared at 3 my fingers in each of my hand was one green, pink and purple.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME" I heard him growl and then I wrapped my self in a ball.

"Show me your arm" I followed orders and pulled my hand out.

"Your not dead..."

A blind gift || x-virus x reader || creepypastaWhere stories live. Discover now