It All Hurts

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Almost two weeks had passed by and the hyungs had no success in understanding why Jungkook's attitude had changed so drastically overnight. They tried many ways to find out what was that was going on, but no progress was done. In fact, the attitude had instead become a little worse since they felt Jungkook becoming more distant each day.

Jungkook felt tired of having to be upset and disappointed. He was starting to feel slightly bad about his attitude here and then, so he had decided to just spend as little time as possible with the others. Always making excuses or leaving before they could even answer.

One may wonder if he was tired why not give in? Well as he had mentioned, he was tired of giving in all the time. Though truthfully, he also wanted to prove wrong all those negative thoughts that were starting to fill his mind.

He didn't want to admit or be proven right when he theorized that the only reason why the hyungs blew him off more and preferred work and work friends more than him was because now that they were in such areas or positions, the boys had perhaps figured out that such people were cooler and more mature than he was. Was scared to admit or be proven right that being with such cool people made Jungkook look like a burden or child and therefore decided to spend less time with him.

No one directly influenced these thoughts or theories. Nor had anyone from outside tried to influence this on him, but the actions of the older made Jungkook think such ideas even if he knew deep down that it wasn't true. It was starting to become hard to believe he was only overthinking.

So, these were the reasons why he didn't want to give in. Not to mention that in general, he was very stubborn too.

Such actions were frustrating the hyungs who was starting to miss him.

It was also making them feel a little annoyed because they were trying, they really were in their eyes. They just wanted Jungkook to say something.

Yoongi had slightly tried to talk to Jungkook too, but it didn't end up working out either. He had showed up at the studio he works at and hoped to talk with the man, but it was useless. The responses ended up being similar or the same as what the other four got.

It actually was starting to hurt them a little. Never have they ever received such treatment from Jungkook before. It was a first. They were really trying to see what was wrong, truly, but it wasn't successful. They truly just wanted Jungkook to say something.

"It's getting ridiculous! He won't hang with us at all, and his responses keep getting shorter and shorter each time," Jin talks annoyed and feels some hurt too as the six of them got together to once again discuss Jungkook.

"It's like he's a whole new person with us. It's obvious that he's mad at us because he hasn't seemed to act that way with others, but we have no idea what we did wrong! I'm tired and I want our happy clingy kook back!" Yoongi rants and pouts all of them taken back by how the older expressed himself.

"I agree it's also I hate to say it kind of immature of him. Even if it's not about us and he's taking it out on us it's still very unfair too. I think we will just need to talk to him," Taehyung gives his thoughts and although they hated to agree, they did so either way.

"I agree with you guys there.... I haven't tried because I know that he will act the same but it's getting to be enough. It's been almost two weeks and he's this way. It worries me too. I guess we just have to think about what we can do," Namjoon clasps his hand and then puts one hand under his chin.

"We have to figure out something because with the way things are going...I don't know honestly," Hobi looks down as he gives a frustrated huff.

"It looks like he won't talk to us individually, so I suggest we do something else. What if he talks to us by group?" Yoongi suggests and they all look at him.

Why So Cold JKxBTSTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon