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And I knew that Jack's family would still do everything in their power to make him marry Kathleen Rex.

"What do they know?", Jack said, holding me in his arms before he would leave. "We are together that is the only thing that matters!"

I knew he was right.

Time passed. Christmas came and went. Looking back now, it is strange why the whole Winter of 1911 to me just seems to be mixture of memories connected to Jack. But maybe that was because of what was to happen, three months after the new year had begun ... In March 1912.

I can remember it as if it would have happened yesterday ...

"A letter from Will", Ada told me, excited as always when he wrote to her. She read it out loud so I could hear.

"He is going to be Chief Officer on the R.M.S Titanic!", she told me. Just one sentence. That would change everything ...


I was surprised.

But Ada nodded.

"Will is in Belfast and will arrive in Southampton with the Titanic on April 5th."

"But that is amazing!", I said. I knew what it meant for Will. Chief Officer on the Titanic, the greatest ship of its time! This must be like a dream come true.

Ada however didn't seem to share this opinion. She nodded briefly, before she gave me another letter.

"From Jack", she just said. As always when I got a letter from him, I felt my heart skip a beat.

"My June", he wrote,

"How are you? I miss you. At least I know now that it won't be long until I will see you again: I have a surprise: I'm in Belfast! I am to start working on the Titanic, together with Bride. I still can't believe it: This will be the first time that I will work together with Bride and on the Titanic ... I am sure this will get interesting. Doesn't your uncle also work on the Titanic? I heard that he is to be Chief Officer. Which brings me to the reason of writing this letter (except of course, to tell you that I love you!): Come with me! I know, I have to work, so we won't be able to see each other that often, but at least we wouldn't be that far apart as usual. And we could be together when I am off duty. I could show you New York. I am sure your uncle would like it too, if you would come with us on the maiden voyage of Titanic. And Moody will also be there as the 6th Officer. Think about it, okay?

Always yours


I lowered the letter. Me, on a ship ... With Jack. I had never been on a ship before. I never wanted to. But now, that Jack was asking me to come with him ... The thought of being with him, together, in New York made my heart beat faster. And I would be there on Jack's birthday. He would turn 25 on April 11, on the Titanic. It would be great to be there with him. And I knew that it would mean much to Will if I would accompany him on one of his trips. Bride would also be there. Since that evening I had only seen him a few times and then he talked mostly to Jack or Cottam. And it would be nice to see Moody again.

"Ada, what would you say, if I would tell you that I want to go to New York with Will on the Titanic?", I finally said.

"What?" Ada looked at me, confused.

"Why would you want that?", she asked. In Ada's opinion, Titanic was the result of some little man's mind who had a severe inferiority complex and nothing good could come of that. Normally, I would have agreed with her, but now ...

"Jack asked me to", I told her.

"And you want to go?", Ada demanded to know.

I only nodded.

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