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With Jack gone, I had now way too much time to myself. Will also was working again on the Olympic, which meant there was now just Ada and me with Bettie.

I missed Jack. One evening, when the longing was too painful, I went outside for a walk. Somehow, I ended up at the port, at the bench where I had first met him. I sat down, lost in toughts. Jack ...


A soft and gentle voice came up behind me.

I turned around.

"Bride!", I said surprised, as I recognised the familiar face in the dark.

He seemed just as confused as I was. He looked as if he was about to turn around. But then he stayed.

"What are you doing here?", he asked.

"I just went out for a breath of fresh air", I replied.

I noticed that Bride was wearing his uniform.

"You were here for work?", I asked him.

Bride nodded.

Then we went silent for a few seconds. Neither of us seemed to know what to say.

Finally, it was me who broke the ice.

"Do you want to sit down?", I invited Bride, gesturing to the space beside me. Bride thought for a second.

"Sure", he finally said, sitting down beside me.

"You often come here, don't you?", he then said to my great surprise.

"You were here the first time we met."

I wouldn't have thought he would remember.

"Yes, I am", I replied. I told Bride I came here to think.

Bride smiled at that, but it was a sad smile.

"It does look like a good place to think", he agreed.

The moonlight reflected in the silver of his eyes. He looked tired ... unhappy ... lonely.

"Is everything alright?", I heard myself ask.

Brided nodded quickly.

"I'm fine", he assured me.

"It's just that I am not quite used to live all on my own", he then continued. "I have three sisters, I am used to always have someone around me."

"That must be hard", I agreed sympathetically. "But you have Jack and Cottam", I tried to cheer him up.

"Yes", Bride smiled. "I have ..."

"Maybe you should find yourself a girl", I teased him, grinning as I watched him blush. Jack was starting to rub off on me ...

Bride fell silent for a second.

"I already have a girlfriend", he finally said.

"Really?" I was surprised. Neither Jack, nor Cottam, nor Bride until now had ever mentioned anything about him having a relationship.

"Who is she?", I asked curiously. "Does she live here in Southampton? Maybe I know her!"

Bride smiled shortly, but it didn't reach his eyes.

"No, no she doesn't live here", he replied.

"Her name is Mabel Ludlow, we know each other from Bromley. We practically grew up together", he told me.

"That sounds nice", I said.

"She wants me to marry her."

Bride's shy voice broke the silence. For some reason, I had the feeling that he had long wanted to talk about this to someone. And that he didn't look like a happy groom-to-be.

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