JK I have a sister I guess.

Start from the beginning

Yes! Yes there is and I would LOVE to share it with you because it is kinda eating me alive that I am gonna die! Yay! 

"No, it probably isn't anything more than this prophecy." I am very good at internalizing my feelings in a very unhealthy way. 

"Then you think that you are gonna be one of the people in the prophecy?" 

"You never know. I am quite unlucky when it comes to life." I laugh but am not joined. He just stared at me. "But again, you never know. I made it out of the sea of monsters, didn't I?"

"Yeah, yeah you did."

"Hey guys," Bianca said, sitting down next to us. "Find anything out?"

"No," Percy replied. "Just what we assumed, nothing is around here for miles."

Bianca sighed, closing her eyes. "I don't know why, but I thought that it would be different. The quest I mean. I thought it would be . . . I don't know."

"Easier?" Percy asked.

"More entertaining and fulfilling to your hunter wants and desires?" I added. 

"Ha, yeah, I guess."

"Speaking of, what are your hunter wants and desires?" I asked. 

Bianca frowns at my question. "I guess I just wanted to get away. I had been taking care of Nico for so long on my own, I just wanted to be . . ."



"Are you happy?" Percy asked. 

"I'm not sure happy is the right word. I mean, Artemis is missing and everything else is going to Hades, but I think that being a hunter is cool?" Bianca has a smile on her face. "Emelia, you really should think about joining. Zoe told me they had offered."

I feel Percy's stare on the side of my head. "I don't know. I do have to think about it still." 

It wasn't my top priority in the last few days since I'll probably be dead in a the next week.

"Camp is still an option," Percy suggested.

"So is dying. There are a ton of options that I can focus on once we save Annabeth." I sighed and no one pushed it any further. "Bianca, how did Nico take to the news?"

"He, he didn't understand my decision, but I think he knows deep down that is was one I had to make. When I apologized to him for like the thousandth time he just gave up trying to fight it. I mean, he is 12 now, he understands what I have gone through for the both of us, or I at least he is trying to. I don't know." 

Her brow is furrowed and here eyes are trained on the floor. She looks guilty for leaving. 

"You don't have to be sorry," I stated and she looked towards me. I reached out my hand and grabbed her's reassuringly. "For leaving, I mean. Nico will still love you, he will have plenty of support and siblings to lean on once we figure out your lineage. Sometimes you gotta do the hard thing and be happy, something we don't do too often."

Percy nodded his head.

"Thank you," Bianca muttered. "I know he is in good hands if either of you are at camp. He really admires you, Percy. He thinks you are the coolest person he has ever met. He has about a thousand questions written down to ask you when we get back. You guys seem;ike genuinely good people."

I look towards Percy who is smiling softly, his face a little extra red. "Even though I knocked you down during capture the flag?"

Bianca laughed. "Besides that, of course. You actually remind me of this one kid from Westover. His name was Jake. He was always super nice to Nico, kind of a girl crazy lunatic, but nice enough."

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