Chapter XVI ㅡ It's Getting Worse.

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It was lunch.

Apparently, the hangover was too much for the guys, so most of them decided to stay home.

Seungmin still came to school, along with Changbin and Chan, who didn't drink much yesterday. It was a bit quieter than usual since the chaotic ones took a leave today, but it didn't matter much to Seungmin.

He mind was still stuck on yesterday's events. Jisung's love, ninety per cent... he was disappointed, but not surprised.

Disappointed because everything was slowly getting out of hand because of everyone confessing to him. And not surprised because he expected Jisung to confess to him sooner or later anyway.

Now the only ones left were Chan and Changbin...

Seungmin slowly turned his head towards the older two, who were busy discussing something he couldn't really understand.

Seungmin still remembered how Chan indirectly confessed to him on call. Back then, it made him happy. But now, he almost feels nothing.

He feels empty.

It was better the way it was before.

He regretted skipping school that day. He regretted going into that alley. He regretted meeting Lian. He regretted using that love potion.

He regretted everything.

But as Lian said, Magic has its consequences.

So he could do absolutely nothing other than facing the reality.

"Minㅡ Seungmin!"

Seungmin jolted and turned around, seeing Chan and Changbin looking at him worried.

"Hey, are you alright?" Chan asked him concerned, so he gave him a fake reassuring smile. "I'm alright, channie hyung. "

Alright, my ass.

Changbin frowned. "You sure? Your face looks a bit pale." He mentioned. Yeah, partly Changbin was right.

After spending his time with Jisung in the pool yesterday, Seungmin did feel a bit sick. But it wasn't that serious, so he could ignore it.

"I'm sure, Changbin hyung. I'm fine. By the way, what are your next classes?" He said and diverted the topic.

"Oh, we have physics next. " Chan stated, and Seungmin nodded. He didn't even have a purpose for asking that question.

And just as usual, some time passed by talking about the most random thing. Lunch was almost over, and they were about to pack their things and leave, but a loud cough made them stop their actions.

"Ahem, Hello. Do you perhaps know where Hyunjin is?"

A tall girl stood in front of them. A polite smile plastered on her face.

Seungmin, Changbin, and Chan looked at each other in confusion and slowly back at the girl.

"And you are...?" Chan raised his eyebrow.

The girl chuckled and nodded. "I'm Nori. "



"And your point is?" Changbin questioned back in irritation.

"I asked if you've seen Hyunjin anywhere. I haven't met him today." She said, and Changbin rolled his eyes, pointing at the cafeteria exit.

"He left through there a few minutes ago. So you can too now." He said, and Chan looked at him in shock while Seungmin only sat in silence

The girl nodded happily and thanked them before proceeding to leave. After she left, Chan turned to Changbin, indicating him to explain what the fuck just happened.

Changbin nodded and sighed. "Apparently, this Lori girl has been talking to Hyunjin for a while. Hyunjin told me they met on Instagram, and now I'm guessing they have a thing going on..." He explained, and Chan nodded.

"But does he even like her? I've never seen Hyunjin in a serious, committed relationship before. " Chan stated, and Changbin nodded, understanding.

"Yeah, I don't know about that. But this is the longest he has ever stuck to the same person. I honestly hope he doesn't like her cause she is annoying as fuck."

Changbin said and the two laughed, leaving Seungmin alone, shifting uncomfortably around his seat.

Seungmin bit his lips hard, trying to blink the tears away from his eyes, scolding himself mentally that it was stupid to cry over this, but his fragile heart didn't agree.

"Guys. I'm going to the washroom." Seungmin quickly excused himself and scurried away, ignoring the screams from his friends.

Seungmin ran in the hallways, harshly wiping away any tears that formed in his eyes.

Lian. Are you there?

He desperately called out.

Seungmin? What's wrong? Are you crying?

Seungmin burst out, crying, hearing the latter's voice. He ran away to the top most floor and entered the roof-top.

He shut the door locked and slid himself down, feeling the tears flood in his eyes again, and this time, he didn't care enough to wipe them away. He just let them flow like never-ending rain.

Lian, I can't do this anymore... I don't wanna do this anymore!! It hurts, Lian!! It hurts!

Seungmin... weren't you the one who wanted love? And now that you're getting it, why are you denying it?

Because I don't want it anymore!! It was a mistake!! It was a mistake, Lian!! It was a mistake...

Minnie... I'm sorry. But magic has its consequences.

I don't wanna suffer the consequences anymore, Lian!! I wanna get out of here! I don't want to do this anymore!

But there is no absolute way to undo anything, Min. This is magic. They love you. You have to respect their feelings and accept their love.

But I don't love anyone!! I don't love them anymore!! I only want them as my friends!!

Seungmin. Look inside of you. Ask yourself and your heart. Do you really not love anyone? And if you don't, then why'd you leave Chan and Changbin to come here crying?

Seungmin stopped hearing Lian's words. He sighed and shook his head in frustration before answering Lian back.

Stop trying to make it look like I love Hyunjin!!


I didn't even mention his name.

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