Chapter XV ㅡ Swimming Pool and Explanations.

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"Seungmin-ah...think I like you... "

Seungmin's eyes drop down to the ground. Part of him actually already saw this coming. But he didn't know Jisung would confess so soon. He gave Seungmin no time to prepare for the consequences.

Seungmin knew this was slowly going out of hand, and he didn't like that. He kind of started missing his old life, his life back then when he would only ever crush on Felix, simp over his other friends and cry at night over how single he felt.

Everything thing was so much better back then.

Why did it have to turn out this way?

"Jisungie... how do you know about Minho hyung and I...?" He questioned slowly, feeling a bit nervous about the latter's response.

Jisung softly smiled at him, raising his head with his index finger to look at the younger in the eyes. "That day... I was there. "


"Jisung, I'll see you later at class then. Mr. Lin called me for something." Felix said, shutting his locker closed and tossing the key in his bag. Jisung nodded and looked at his watch, realising the time.

"Okay, then, Lix. I'll get going. Class starts in ten minutes. " He stated, and both the boys nodded, seeing each other off as they parted their ways.

Jisung quickly fastened his steps towards his class, not wanting to hear that Mrs. Kim rants again on how undisciplined the students have become in this generation. He sighed, just thinking about it.

"I....-I think it's too soon for them to know -"

"What the fuck do you take me for, Seungmin!?"

However, a few familiar voices made him halt in his steps.

"H-Hyung, I'm sorry, but p-please!-"

"Seungmin. I'm telling you this for once and for all. "

Seungmin? Minho?

Jisung frowned and walked a bit closer to them. Slowly, the two of his friends came in his view, making his eyes widen. It was actually Seungmin and Minho. He wasn't just hearing things.

Jisung leaned in even closer, trying to get a better view of the drama.

"I. Am. Your. Fucking. Boyfriend. And you shouldn't be having a damn problem if I scream that to the world because YOU ARE MINE!"

He heard Minho scream, and it kinda scared Jisung, seeing the older so pissed off.

But his eyes softened when he heard Seungmin's cries and sniffs, begging for Minho to stop.

"You know what!? If you want to keep it a secret, then fine!"

Huh? A secret? What secret?

"Keep it a secret. But if you don't fucking tell them soon..."

"It won't be good for you, Kim


Jisung then saw Minho walk away pissed off, he wanted to confront him on his behaviour with Seungmin, but then he realised that he was getting late for class.

As much as Jisung wanted to go to Seungmin, hug the life outta him and calm him down, he couldn't just walk into his personal matter, but he could confront Minho later.

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