Chapter Four

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I pull away from Nik after a few minutes because you know I still need to breathe and all, that's when Katherine says "and I really could've gone my entire life without seeing that"

I look over at her with a shrug not really bothered by her comment "Well too bad sweetheart because there's nothing you could do about it"

Nik looks at me with a smirk "Come on my love we are going to the grill and cause a little bit of trouble" 

I grin at him "Oh you know how I like to cause trouble." 

So with that, we walk out of the apartment and down to Nik's car and he drives us to the grill once we get there we get out of the car and walk inside Nik wraps his arm around my waist as we walk up to the bar and Nik says "Gentlemen? Why so glum?"

Alaric and Damon look over at us and Damon says "Ugh, Klaus I presume"

Nik has a smirk on his face but like that's anything new "In the flesh" Then Nik looks over at Alaric "Thanks for the loner mate."

Then Damon stands up "Any reason you stopped in to say hi?"

I am just sitting back waiting for the perfect moment to come into the conversation "I'm told that you and your brother fancies my doppelgänger, just thought I'd remind you not to do something that you'll regret."

"Ha, thanks for the advice I don't suppose I could talk you into a postponement by any chance huh?"

Before anybody else can say anything I cut in seeing the perfect moment to come in "And why would you want to do that, I mean come on the world would be a much better place if we just let her die." Then Damon looks like he's about to blow a fuse but I'm still looking at him a smirk stretches across my face as I realize something "Oh my god you're in love with her aren't you?"

He just ignores me as Nik says "You're kidding right?" and then he looks over at Alaric "He's kidding right?"

Alaric answers "No, not really"

Damon keeps talking though"I mean come on what's one month in the whole grand scheme of things?"

Nik just gives him a look "Let me be clear ... I have my vampire. I have my werewolf. I have everything I need. The ritual will happen tonight. So, if you want to live to see tomorrow, don't screw it up."

And with that, we walk out of the grill I look over at Nik "You do realize that he's most likely going to screw it up right?"

Nik nods "Yes darling, that's why I have a backup plan"

I smile at him knowing that he'll do it just because it's me asking "Okay but I have a request to make"

Nik looks down into my eyes "What is it, my love?"

"Well when he does screw it up and you need a new vampire can you please just not use my brother or my aunt Jenna, anybody else I'm completely okay with just not those two because they're really the only family that I have left... oh and also the werewolf can it not be Tyler? he's been my best friend since we were toddlers and he's like a brother to me."

He looks down into my eyes again "For you of course I'll leave your brother, aunt, and friend alone but only for you... so it's a good thing I already had a backup werewolf then."

I smile at him "Thank you Nik," See I knew he would do it just because he loves me. He would do anything and I mean anything if I asked him to... now unlike some people would I don't abuse that 'power' I guess is what you could call it and I rarely ask for anything.

Alexis Gilbert {N.M}Where stories live. Discover now