attack on earth !

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it all started off  a normal day , kagome went back to her world to pack for supplies and catch up her school work .

Of course after her time was up Inuyasha came to pick her up for taking her time to get back .

But didn't expect for it to be invaded.

Inyuasha was selected to play tag with a space alien girl named lum . He of course hr excepted thinking it would be easy win for him and earth.

" inyuasha , you have to catch lum ! todays your last day ! what are you waiting for ?!" kagome yelled at the halfdemon who scoffed . " stop your complaining , I'm going to get her !" Inyuasha yelled as it was Kagome's turn to scoff annoyed . " yeah right , todays the last day ." Inyuasha sighed . " I know ." Kagome looked sad now as well . " I'm sorry ." " no , I should be your counting on me to save your era and I can't even do it thanks to one chick ." Kagome giggled. " I know you can do it, Inuyasha.....Besides if you do we can be together like we planned and you can finally claim me as your mate as well ." Kagome said to the half demon who blushed at the idea of what Kagome was thinking . It made him happy especially since he knew what season was coming soon .

Later that day ....

Inuyasha then went back to chasing lum trying his best to grab her horns . But she was flying all over the place .
" that's it !" Inyuasha yelled frustrated .
" what's with you ?" Lum questioned as Inyuasha used iron reaver soul stealer on her she doges.

 " what's with you ?" Lum questioned as Inyuasha used iron reaver soul stealer on her she doges

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Lum looks back at the half demon confused before her  top falls into shreds .

Lum quickly covers her self up with her arms distracted  on hiding her bare chest as Inyuasha lunges on her and grabs her horns winning and saving the earth.

Inyuasha sighed heavily. " now I can finally claim my mate ." He whispered unaware lum actually heard him .

" Oh, I get it. Ok, if you insist, I'll marry you." Lum tells him as he looked at her shocked and confused.

" what ? I ....uh ." Inyuasha was lost at words as Kagome walks up to the pair to congratulate her half demon for a job well done unaware of what he whispered to lum mistakenly.

Lum throws herself into Inyuasha's arms. As Kagome watched jealously .

" darling !

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" darling ! ."

" wait !? What ?" Inyuasha asked confused as Kagome huffed he looked at Kagome scared .

" On my planet, marriage proposals are sacred.
I'll dedicate my life to living with you forever. And if you cheat on me ! ......
She starts electrocuting Inuyasha .
Who screams in pain . He couldn't tell what was worse this or the sit commands .

As lum finally stops Kagome took the opportunity to yell sit !

Inyuasha plumped face flat on the floor.

" darling ! ." Lum says as she hugs him on the ground . Kagome huffed and crossed her arms on top of Kikyo now she has to deal with this chick .

 Kagome huffed and crossed her arms on top of Kikyo now she has to deal with this chick

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hope u liked it next chapter coming soon


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