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As you made your way back to your house, you realized that the sounds from inside have died down. No more yelling, no more fighting. They didn't... No, no way. They're fine, just like always, and it'll start up again tomorrow. 

You were exhausted from today's walk wanting nothing more then to just fall asleep right there on the front steps yet you knew it would all be worth the rest just as long as you could get to your bed, under the covers and listen to some music or watch some show to help yourself fall asleep faster.

You struggle to find your house key in your pocket, internally panicking hoping you haven't lost it in the woods, then you dig further into your pocket only for your finger to graze over the key. You take the key out and jab it into the key hole as you're already upset as it is and you just want to get inside to not have to deal with this stupid key, in the stupid cold outside.

You open the door and notice that all of the glass has been cleaned up from the floor, "Hmm, guess one of them sobered up a bit.." you think to yourself. You take your shoes off and put them on the shoe matt and hang your keys up on the key rack, "Live, Laugh, Love" the rack says, "Live, Laugh, Love my fuckin' ass" you mutter to yourself quietly. Making your way up the stairs you can smell the strong cheap booze stench coming straight out of your parents room. 

Anger engulfed you and all you could think of was taking the broken beer bottle that had rolled out of their room to use as a weapon on their poorly protected jugulars. How you wanted to feel the tearing throughout the flesh of their skin and scratching their bones with the broken glass bottle. The substance they loved the most, now their final brutal demise.

You knew your thoughts were getting out of control, you could tell from the nightmares you've been having lately, they scared you shitless. You knew if you didn't calm down the nightmares would become a reality.

You looked away from the bottle and angrily stomped away from the top of the stairs until you reached your room. You slammed the door shut with a loud "Boom" sound and flopped onto your bed. You took your phone out of your pocket and put it n your nightstand also taking your journal and doing the same. 

You played on your bed for a few minutes remembering the man from the woods, "I've never seen him before". You had no idea how long you had been thinking until that godforsaken feeling came back. That feeling like you were being watched, no no, stalked. You tried to push away the feeling but no matter what you did you couldn't shake it.

You were getting scared now and it's like it sensed it as the feeling grew stronger and stronger with every passing second, which felt like hours. After 2 minutes of almost pissing yourself in fear you thought to yourself, "Maybe if I move around and go do something the feeling will go away", with that, you got up to go brush your teeth and get ready for bed.

Speed walking your way to the bathroom was quite the challenge. You knew you shouldn't show fear but at the same time you just wanted to get the hell out of that room as fast as you possibly could. Making it to the bathroom and seeing the blinds to the window were closed gave you a lot of comfort. You didn't feel 100% safe but you did feel a hell of a lot more safe then you did before.

You picked up your toothbrush and began your normal bedtime routine, you didn't have a lot of money so your bed time routine was brushing your teeth, washing your face, using toner and moisturising with two very old and probably expired products, as well as putting your hair in two loose braids so it doesn't mess up when you sleep. Just as you went to spit out your mouth wash you heard a noise come from your room.

The bathroom door was locked, you made sure every time you went to the bathroom you'd lock it so you know you were safe there, but what was in your room. You were adding everything up too fast, your brain could barely understand. The feeling of being stalked, the man in the woods, the noise in your room. "What if it's the man and he just broke in and now he's going to cut off your head with his two hatchet-axe things!", was all your mind could think.

~The Fallen Rabbit~ (A Ticci-Toby x Reader story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя