♤Chapter 38♤

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I wasn't two minutes in the house before my dad showed up, arms crossed in the kitchen entrance.

"I'm late, I know," I admitted, shifting my shoes to the side once I got them off. "Sorry."

Thankfully, he didn't look angry. "Wasn't that late. Get in here." He disappeared into the kitchen and I followed.

I skidded a little across the tiles in my socks, feeling satisfied with the day I had. It went perfectly, except for that thing that happened at the little get-together Thion invited me to. But I've tried not to think about it much, especially as I was on my way home because it soured my mood. I didn't know what her and Chris's relationship was and the last thing I wanted was to shove my nose into something that didn't concern me. Or worse, something he thought didn't concern me. Because it didn't, and I knew that even though I'd hate to hear him say it out loud.

Still, I hadn't liked her attitude or how she talked to him and I knew if I stayed there another second, I would've opened my mouth and it wouldn't have been pretty. Thankfully, Chris handled it in time because I was seconds away from going off on her when she started calling him out of his name.

Shaking my head, I pushed the thoughts back again as I took in dinner laid out on the dining table in the far left of the kitchen. I headed to the sink to wash my hands before I headed over. Usually, I'd set the table and even help with dinner if they let me; so looking at the perfectly laid out food and utensils made me feel shitty about enjoying the last few hours so much.

I pursed my lips. "I'm really sorry I'm late."

Dad gave me a look as he came over with a pitcher of what looked like orange juice. "Stop worrying about it and let's just eat."

That didn't make me feel better but I pulled out the chair opposite his and we both sat at the same time.

"Tell me about your day. How was that, uh," he waved, snapping as he tried to recall something, "plant museum. You still went didn't you?"

I hadn't been sure what he felt like bringing up first so I'm glad he went with the better option.

Naturally, I couldn't stop myself from beaming. "I did and it was amazing—I stayed there for an hour and a half, I think. It's a botanical garden by the way, and we have to go together at some point cause I'm going back-"

I wasn't sure how long I ranted about the museum, but at some point, I took out my phone to show him all the pictures I took. I had wanted him to come along when I originally decided to go, but he made up some excuse about being too old to walk around the city, so I only got one ticket. I knew he just wanted to stay home and work, but I didn't push it. He wouldn't get out of going with me next time though. I'll make sure to plan it at least a week in advance so he can't back out and I wouldn't take no for an answer. I'd been in New York for two whole days and we'd hardly spent any time together, I was bummed about it but all I could do was plan for the future.

When he picked me up last night, we didn't talk much. The air had been awkward and stuffy because of that one stupid phone call. He'd tried to talk about the tour and Thion but I hadn't been in the mood for it. To be honest, I was still upset over what he'd said, but mostly I'd been worried about Chris. A dreadful feeling had kept me on edge all night, making me regret not getting his number or something. Then I found out today that the feeling was one hundred percent valid and not all in my head. But Chris could make his own decisions. He could take care of himself—he didn't need me popping up from the past and meddling in his current affairs.

"-I asked them if they ever have college students do internships there and they do sometimes. I wanna get in. Maybe in the spring or something but-" I shrugged, pulling my phone back. I'd made it to the end of my picture presentation, admiring a rather impressive photo I took on the bank of one of their gorgeous ponds. Everything had been so delicate and the colors—it was magical. I really didn't want to leave until I got Thion's call. I couldn't wait to show Reese the pictures.

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